Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Strategy

Since 2018, Sophie Flak, Eurazeo CSR and Digital Director, has • been a memberof the CNNUM(ConseilNationaldu Numérique) where she specifically contributes to work relating to ecology and digital. At European level, Eurazeo is an active member of Invest Europe , • a Europeanprivateequity association.ErwannLe Ligne, memberof the Executive Board of Eurazeo PME, is Deputy Chair of the responsibleinvestment working groupand in chargeof the climate change workinggroup since2018. In partnership with four other private equity companies, Eurazeo • launchedthe “ InitiativeClimate2020 ” (renamedInitiativeClimate International), the first initiative encouraging private equity investors to manage and reduce the greenhousegas emissions of their portfolio companies. Since 2017, Noëlla de Bermingham, Eurazeo’s Deputy Head of CSR, is in charge of the initiative’s coordination and steering. In 2018, this initiative was supported by theUnited NationsPrinciplesfor Responsible Investment(PRI). Olivier Millet, member of the Eurazeo Executive Board, helped set • up the France Invest ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) Commission in 2012, which he chaired until 2015. Eurazeo now sits on the Steering Committee of this Commission. Since 2018, Olivier Millet, has also been a member of the MEDEF (Mouvement des entreprises de France) Executive Committee as well as the Committees for New Entrepreneurial Responsibilities and Ecological and Economic Transition. In the latter committee, he chairs the Sustainable Finance and Non-Financial Performance working group. OTHER COMMITMENTS Since 2019, Idinvest has been a signatorie of the SISTA charter , • which aimsto improvediversity in digital. Since 2015, Eurazeo has been a partner of “ Printemps de la • Mixité ,” an event that brings together employees from major French companiesin the Springeach year. Since 2012, Eurazeo has supported the Women’s Forum for the • Economy and Society and Human Rights Watch , where Virginie Morgon (Chairwomanof Eurazeo’s Executive Board) has served as Deputy Chair (Paris Committee) and Co-Chair respectively since 2017. Since 2008, it has lent its support to the Rising Talents program, • a unique network of high-potentialyoung women created through the Women'sForum forthe Economyand Society. In 2004, Eurazeo launcheda corporate sponsorshipprogram and • accompanied 21 associations with a budget of €3.7 million. Focused on education since 2015, this program supports over 116,000young people. Since 2015, roadshows specifically dedicated to SRI (Socially ResponsibleInvestment)have been organized to meet specializedSRI investors. Reflecting growing interest on their part, the Eurazeo teams have had a very busy year: two SRI roadshowswere organized in 2019, one in Paris and the other in London.

Awards, initiativesand recognition 2019: Signing of twoinitiatives: • “ French Business Climate Pledge ” supported by MEDEF, this • initiativewas signedby 99 Frenchbusinesses “ Global Investor Statement to Governments on Climate • Change ”, an initiative launched by The Investor Agenda before COP 25.The joint letter was signedby 631 investorsrepresenting 37,000 billiondollars of assets, 2018: Eurazeo took the 7 th place in the ranking of governance • feminization in large companies , a gain of 14 places compared with 2017and 82 placescomparedwith 2013. 2018: HSBC Global Research considered Eurazeo as one of the • most advanced listedcompaniesin terms of ESG; 2018: The rating agency Vigeo-Eiris ranked Eurazeo among the • world'stop 5 in the FinancialServicesGeneral sector and in the 1% top performerswith regard to HumanRights as part of thematic studies. 2017 and 2018: Finalist in the SME/Mid-cap category at the • IntegratedThinkingsAwards . 2017: Signing ofinitiatives: • “ Manifesto to decarbonize Europe ,” a call in favor of a • decarbonationstrategy madeby the ShiftProject, “ Letter from global investors to governmentsof the G7 and • G20 nations ,” an initiative supported by the United Nations Principlesfor ResponsibleInvestment(PRI), signed by more than 200 majorglobal investors. 2017: Winner of the Swen ESG Best practicesHonors for Idinvest • Venture Capital 2016 and 2018: Winner of the Swen ESG Best practices Honors • for Idinvest PrivateDebt 2016 and 2018: Winner of the ESG Sustainable Development • Award, PrivateEquityMagazine . 2014: Signing of the United Nations Global Compact with • “ Advanced ” level achievement. 2009: Signing of the Principlesfor ResponsibleInvestment(PRI) • of the United Nations. External commitments PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS In 2019, Noëlla de Bermingham, Eurazeo's Deputy Head of CSR, • was appointed to the Principles for Responsible Investment’s Private Equity AdvisoryCommittee (PRIPEAC). Since 2019, Caroline Hadrbolec, Human Resources Director and • Member of the Eurazeo ExecutiveCommittee,has been a member of the France committee for the LEVEL 20 initiative, which aims to improve female representation in PrivateEquity.



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