Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Governance Procedure to assess standard agreements

Variable compensationof members of the ExecutiveBoard holding anemployment contractwith the Companyin respect of fiscal year 2018 The Supervisory Board meeting of March 7, 2019, at the recommendationof the Compensationand AppointmentCommittee, set the variablecompensationof each memberof the ExecutiveBoard for fiscal year 2018 in accordance with the principles and criteria

determined by the Supervisory Board meeting of March 8, 2018 and approvedby shareholderson April 25, 2018(18 th  resolution).The variable compensation of the members of the Executive Board holding an employment contract in respect offiscal year 2018amountedto: Virginie Morgon: Gross variable compensation of €255,236 for • the period from January 1 to March 18, 2018, date on which her contract wassuspended; Philippe Audouin:Gross variablecompensationof €572,906; • NicolasHuet: Gross variablecompensationof €526,658. •

Procedure to assess standard agreements 5.10

On recommendation by the Compensation, Appointment and Governance Committee, during its meeting on March 11, 2020 the Supervisory Boardadoptedan internalcharter with twoobjectives: formalize the classification of agreements to be submitted to the • regulated agreements procedure, setting them apart from standardoperationsentered into in normal conditions; facilitate compliance by Eurazeo with new legal requirements • in the matter which includes the regular assessment of conditions

in which different agreements are entered into, and the analysis of their classification. Other than a reminder of the regulatory framework applicable to regulatedagreementslikely to be entered into, this charter includes the methodology to be applied internally to classify the different planned agreements and the implementation within Eurazeo SE, in accordance with the Pacte law, of a procedure to regularly assess agreements on standardoperations enteredinto in normal conditions.





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