Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Governance Organization and activities of the Supervisory Board

Conflictsof interest To the best of Eurazeo’sknowledge,and as of the date of this Universal Registration Document, there are no potential conflicts of interest between the duties of the members of the Supervisory Board or Executive Board towards Eurazeo and their private interests or other duties. To the best of Eurazeo's knowledge, and as of the date of this Universal Registration Document, there are no arrangements or agreements with shareholders, customers, suppliers or others by virtue of which a Supervisory or Executive Board member was appointed in this capacity, other than those detailed in Chapter 7, Section “Agreements reported to the AMF concerning Eurazeo shares” of this UniversalRegistration Document.. To the best of Eurazeo's knowledge, and as of the date of this Universal Registration Document, there are no restrictions accepted by a member of the SupervisoryBoard and ExecutiveBoard regarding the disposal of all or some of their holding in the Company’s capital other than (i) as mentioned in Chapter 8, Sections 8.3 “Special report on share subscription and purchase options (Article L. 225 184 of the French CommecialCode)” and 8.4 “Special report on the grant of free shares prepared in accordancewith Article L. 225-197-4 of the French CommercialCode” of this UniversalRegistrationDocument,relating to the duty to keep shares from the exercise of share purchase or subscription options and/or performance shares for members of the Executive Board and (ii) as mentioned in Chapter 7, Section “Agreements reported to the AMF concerning Eurazeo shares” of this Universal Registration Document relating to agreements regarding Eurazeo securitiesfor members of the Supervisory Board. OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Activitiesof the Supervisory Boardin 2019 The Supervisory Board met seven times in 2019 (five times in 2018). The average attendance rate was 93.33% in 2019, compared with 88.33% in2018. The Supervisory Board devotes a large part of its activity to defining the Company's strategic priorities, including the review of investment and divestment projects. At each meeting, the Supervisory Board reviews the business environment and, when appropriate, the results of portfolio companies, Eurazeo share price trends and the cash position and debt of Eurazeo and portfolio companies.It examinesthe separate and consolidated interim and annual financial statements, and reviews the press releases relating thereto. It reviews and approves, whereappropriate, the proposalsmade bythe committees. It authorizes the conclusion of regulated agreements, deposits, endorsements and guarantees given by Eurazeo, as well as the implementationof the share buyback program in accordancewith the authorizationgrantedby the Shareholders'Meeting. Executive Board members and, where appropriate, Executive Management,presenta brief overviewof agendaitems, which are then debated and deliberatedby the SupervisoryBoard. Writtenminutes of debatesand deliberationsare then sent to membersof the Supervisory Board for commentbeforebeing approvedby the SupervisoryBoard at the nextmeeting. In 2019, the Supervisory Board made a certain number of decisions regarding governance. Regarding the composition of the Supervisory Board, the meeting on December 5, 2019 approved the recommendations of the CAG Committee relating to renewal of the terms of office of Board members expiring during the next meeting in 2020. It reviewed the independence of each of its members and compliance with the rules limiting the number of offices held. At the recommendation of the CAG Committee, the Supervisory Board approved the Executive Board succession plan during its meeting on October 16, 2019. At the recommendation of the Audit Committee, ACTIVITIES 5.5.2

it also approved the renewal of the terms of office for the lead statutory auditors PricewaterhouseCoopersAudit. In accordance with the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the Supervisory Board conducted a formal assessment of the composition,organization and activities of the Board and its committees. The CAG Committee’s proposals helped determine the short and medium-term areas for improvementduring the SupervisoryBoardmeeting on March 7, 2019. During its meeting on March 11, 2020, the Supervisory Board conducted its annual activity review. (see below the sub-section "Annualreviewof the Board’sactivities”). The compensationof Executive Board members and, in particular, the assessmentof their achievementof quantitativeand qualitativecriteria in order to determine 2018 variable compensationand the setting of quantitative and qualitative criteria for 2019 variable compensation, was reviewed in-depth by the CAG Committee and then the Supervisory Board. In accordancewith Article L. 225-100 IIand III of the French Commercial Code, the components of compensation and benefits paid during 2019 or awarded in respect of the year ended December 31, 2019 to each executive corporate officer will be subject to the vote of shareholders at the Shareholders' Meeting of April 30, 2020 (these items are disclosedin the Appendixto the presentationof the resolutionsin Chapter8, Section8.2 "Draft resolutionsproposedto the Shareholders' Meeting" of this Universal Registration Document). Furthermore, in accordance with Article L. 225-82-2 of the French Commercial Code, the compensation policy for the Executive Board and members of the Supervisory Board in 2020 will be presented for approval to the Shareholders’Meetingof April 30,2020. The Supervisory Board is assisted in its decisions by five specialized committees, the Audit Committee, the Finance Committee, the CAG Committee, the CSR Committee and the Digital Committee. All topics addressed in 2019 by the SupervisoryBoard required the considerable upstreammobilizationof these Committees.Their activitiesare set out in Section 5.6 “Activity of specialized committees” of the Universal Registration Document. Assessment of the activities ofthe Supervisory Board and its committees In accordancewith the recommendationsof the AFEP-MEDEFCode,the Company conducts a formal assessment of the Supervisory Board’s activities every three years. This formal assessment was carried out under the responsibilityof the Chairmanof the CAG Committeein late 2018, who conductedan individualinterviewwith each Boardmember, in the presence of the Deputy General Counsel (Corporate). Using a detailedquestionnaire,he discussedthe composition,organizationand activitiesof the Supervisory Board. In summary, the Board members highlighted the quality of the Board and its work. Discussionsrevealed real enthusiasmfor the Board and a desire to advance governance issues to satisfy the highest market standards, particularly in the current context of the Group's transformation.Significantprogresswas identifiedon the points raised during the 2015 assessment. Members were shown to have an excellent overall assessment of the composition, organization and activitiesof Eurazeo’sBoard. The dual structureof a SupervisoryBoard and an Executive Board is appreciated. The balance of powers is respected and, as such, the appointment of a lead independent memberwas not considered necessary. Composition ofthe Board The Board members considered the composition of the Board to be highly satisfactory, with a true diversity of profiles and expertise. The recent appointments to the Board – Anne Dias (2017), Amélie Oudéa-Castéra (2018), Robert Agostinelli (2018) and Patrick Sayer (2018) – enabled the percentage of women on the Board to be maintained at a high level and contributed timely international American expertise given Eurazeo’s developments on this continent. Among theareas of improvement, the Boardselectedin particular:



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