Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Governance Offices and positions held by the Supervisory Board


Jean-PierreRICHARDSON Non-voting member Member of the Audit Committee Age 81 (07/12/1938) Nationality French Date of first appointment May 14, 2008 End date of termof office 2022 Shareholders’Meeting Business address c/o Richardson 2, place Gantès – BP 41917 13225 MarseilleCedex 02

BrunoROGER Permanent guest ofthe Finance Committee Age 86 (08/06/1933) Nationality French Business address c/o Lazard Frères 121, boulevardHaussmann 75008 Paris

Management experience and expertise Bruno Roger has been Managing Partner of Lazard since 1978 • and was Vice-Chairmanand ExecutiveDirector (2000-2001) and Chairman(2002-2017). He was Managing Partner of Maison Lazard et Cie (1976), Managing • Partner of Lazard Partners Ltd Partnership (1984-1999),Managing Partner (1992) then ManagingDirector (1995-2001) of Lazard Frères and Co, New York, Co-Chairmanof the EuropeanAdvisory Board of Lazard (2005-2006),Chairman of Lazard Frères SAS and CompagnieFinancière Lazard Frères SAS (2002-2017)and Chairman and CEO of Lazard Frères Banque (2009-2017). He is currentlyHonorary Chairman of Lazard Frères Banques (since 2017).He is Chairman of Global Investment Banking at LazardGroup (since 2005) and ManagingDirector and Vice-Chairmanof LazardGroup. After serving as Vice-Chairmanand Chief ExecutiveOfficer • of Eurafrance(1974-2001) and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Financière et IndustrielleGaz et Eaux then Azeo (1990-2002),he was Chairman of the Eurazeo SupervisoryBoard (2002-2003)after Azeo mergedwith Eurafrance and has been Honorary Chairman of Eurazeo since 2003. He has been a member of the SupervisoryBoard of UAP (now Axa) • (1994-2005)and Pinault-Printemps(1994-2005),and has served on the Board of Directors of Capgemini (1983-2018),Saint-Gobain (1987-2005),ThomsonCSF (now Thales) (1992-2002),Moët Henessy then LVMH (1987-1999),Pechiney (1986-1988),Sanofi (1975-1983), Sofina (1989-2004),MarineWendel (1988-2002), SFGI (1987-2001),Sidel (1993-2001)and PSA Finance. He is Chairman of the Martine Aublet Foundationand Honorary • Chairman of the Aix-en-ProvenceInternationalMusic Festival. Bruno Roger is a graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques (IEP) • in Paris. Main position held excluding Eurazeo Chairman of Global Investment Banking at Lazard Group* • Other offices and positions held in companies as of December 31, 2019 Offices and positions currently held outside the Eurazeogroup Managing Partner of Lazard Frères and Maison Lazard • et Compagnie. Chairman of Global Investment Banking at Lazard Group *. • ManagingDirector of Lazard Group*. • Other offices and positions heldover the past five years Chairman of Lazard Frères (SAS), CompagnieFinancière Lazard • Frères (SAS) and Lazard Frères Banque.

Management experience and expertise Jean-PierreRichardson is the Chairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer • of S.A. Joliette Matériel a family holding company and Chairman of SAS Richardson. He joined SAS Richardson in 1962, a 51% subsidiary of Escaut • et Meuse at that time, which later mergedwith Eurazeo. He managed itsoperations from 1969 to 2003. From 1971 to 1979, he served as a judge at the Marseilles • CommercialCourt. Jean-PierreRichardson is a 1958 graduate of École Polytechnique. • Main position held excluding Eurazeo Chairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of SA Joliette Matériel. • Other offices and positions held in companies as of December 31, 2019 Offices and positions currently held outside the Eurazeogroup Chairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of SA Joliette Materiel. •


Offices and positions held over the past five years Member of the SupervisoryBoard of ANF Immobilier. • Number of Eurazeo shares held as of December 31, 2019 686 •


Listed company.




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