Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Vigilance plan

MAPPING, IDENTIFICATION, ANALYSIS AND RANKING OF RISKS 3.6.3 A global CSR risks map has been created as part of the non-financial performance statement and has helped identify 13 major issues for Eurazeo and its portfolio companies. These issues and their identification, ranking and analysis methodology are described on section 3.2.1. They were shared with the management of the portfolio companies.

A more specific map notably including the level of maturity of each company controlled by Eurazeo for the 3 issues covered by the Duty of Vigilance Law will be created gradually from 2020, with an analysis of eachof the indicatorspresented below.


Forced labor • Child labor • Non-respect offreedom ofassociation andcollective bargaining • Unequalopportunitiesanddiscrimination • Non-respect of international labor standards for migrant workers • Non-respect ofdataprivacy • Excessive working hours • Inadequate social benefits and socialsecurity • Harassmentandabuse/disciplinary practices • Other • Occupationalhealth andsafetyrisks • Failure to protecthe end customer's health and safety • Site safetyrisks andindustrial accidents • Other • Inadequate waste management • Raw materials/resource depletion • Water scarcity • Destructionof land/ecosystems/biodiversity • Greenhouse gas emissions • Other • Air pollution • Water pollution • Soilpollution •




In order to identify the CSR issues linked to suppliers, a specific tool has been developed by Eurazeo. It has been gradually deployed within portfolio companies since 2015. This tool to map and analyze the materiality of CSR risks for a supplier portfolio helps identify and rank the supplierswho require a specific vigilance. This tool is described in Section 3.2.5of this document. Eurazeo creates and disseminatesthis tool each year with all new companiesjoining its portfolio. Each company is responsiblefor implementing this map.

REGULAR EVALUATIONPROCEDURES 3.6.4 Eurazeo has a collaborative, pragmatic and constructive CSR approach with its portfolio companies, which respects the autonomy of legal entities. Systemsput in place bycompaniesare evaluatedin severalstages: acquisition due diligence during which Eurazeo systematically • includes issues in relation to human rights, health and safety and the environment as described in Section on the criteria studied. The conclusions drawn from these due diligences are

subject to an action plan presented to company management post-acquisition; specific interviews conducted post-acquisition to evaluate • the Company’s actual level of maturity as well as to define an adapted roadmap; regular follow-ups during Audit Committee meetings and at least • once a year during aSupervisory Boardmeeting; annual feedback of quantitative and qualitative indicators as part • of the annualCSR report.



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