Eurazeo / 2018 Registration document


1 Group overview A multi-expertise strategy

5 Company financial statements Balance Sheet 5.1 Income Statement 5.2



The strength of a unique model

20 26 38

298 300 301 327

Notes to the Company financial statements 5.3 Statutory Auditors’ report on the financial statements 5.4 Five-year financial summary (Article R. 225-102 5.5 of the French Commercial Code)

Scope of a global group

2 Eurazeo’s Corporate Social Responsibility A proactive CSR strategy 2.1 Non-Financial Performance Statement 2.2



Customer and supplier settlement periods 5.6


78 92 117

6 Information on the Company and the share capital Information on the Company – Bylaws 6.1 Information on the share capital 6.2

Methodology 2.3


Statutory Auditors’ reports 2.4


334 340 344 348 351 354 357

3 Governance

Shareholding structure 6.3 Shareholders’ agreements 6.4


Management and Supervisory Bodies 3.1 Compensation and other benefits received 3.2 by corporate officers


Transactions in the Company’s shares 6.5 Factors affecting a potential takeover bid 6.6


Additional information 6.7

Interests held by members of the Supervisory 3.3 and Executive Boards in the Company’s share capital and transactions in the Company’s shares by members of the Supervisory and Executive Boards 187 Risk management, internal control and main risk factors 3.4 189 Commitments under co-investment plans 3.5 204

7 Shareholders’ Meeting


Special Report on share subscription and purchase 7.1 options (Article L. 225-184 of the French Commercial Code) Special Report on the grant of free shares prepared 7.2 in accordance with Article L. 225-197-4 of the French Commercial Code 372 Observations of the Supervisory Board on the Executive 7.5 Board’s report 397 Statutory Auditors’ special report on related-party 7.6 agreements and commitments 398 Other Special Reports of the Statutory Auditors 7.7 407 362 368 Agenda 7.3 371 Presentation and draft resolutions 7.4

4 Consolidated financial statements Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 4.1 Consolidated Income Statement 4.2


208 210

Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive 4.3 Income Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 4.4 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 4.5 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 4.6 Statutory Auditors' report on the consolidated financial 4.7 statements year ended December 31, 2018

211 212 214 216


2019 Cross-reference tables


Registration Document Cross-Reference Table Annual Financial Report Cross-Reference Table 414 Executive Board Management Report Cross-Reference Table 415 412

Social, environmental and societal Information Cross-Reference Table



2018 Registration Document

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