Eurazeo / 2018 Registration document


Results and performance indicators Eurazeo:

The percentage of women recruited to the investment teams in 2018 was 36%, compared to a sector average of 29%. Women now represent nearly 30% of investment teams, compared to a sector average of 22% (source: 2018 study of gender diversity in private equity by Deloitte & France Invest). Eurazeo and its portfolio companies: 2018

Eurazeo and its portfolio companies


Diversity (permanent staff) Percentage of women


46% 46% 43% 25%

45% 42% 28% 21%

Percentage of women among managers in the permanent workforce

Percentage of women on the SB or BD (1)

Percentage of women on the first decision-making body (2)

The coverage rate for Eurazeo was 100% in 2018; for Eurazeo and its portfolio companies, it was 92-100% in 2018. Supervisory Board (SB) or Board of Directors (BD) (1) Companies may have several different kinds of decision-making bodies, the names of which may vary depending on the company. At Eurazeo, the first (2) decision-making body is the Executive Board, composed of four members.

Health and safety

Description of the potential areas of risk or opportunities



RISK ASSESSMENT METHODS Study of the health & safety policy • Monitoring and analysis of indicators relating • to health and safety (e.g.: absenteeism, accidents) Monitoring of employee participation rates for • dedicated training Expenditure for protection / safety equipment •

Work station exposure to at-risk activities • Insufficient training and awareness-raising • for exposed employees Poor risk assessment and lack of adapted individual • or group protective equipment

Ensure that all employees benefit from working conditions that minimize risks to their health and safety

RISK MANAGEMENT Acquisition due diligences: analysis of working conditions • Annual monitoring of absenteeism and accident-related indicators • Training and awareness-raising • Supply of adapted equipment • Encouragement for companies to improve the protection and well-being of employees •



Securing health insurance cover for all employees worldwide is a key to employee • differentiation and retention An effective Health & Safety policy was drawn up to reduce absenteeism • and the number of accidents

Ensure that employees are covered by health and fatality and disability insurance

Promote well-being to improve performance

EXAMPLES OF INITIATIVES Nest Fragrances , a U.S.-based company, provides all its full-time eligible employees with access to medical, dental and eye care services. • The company also offers health insurance, a retirement savings plan and legal assistance. In March 2018, the Iberchem group headquarters in Spain was OHSAS 18001 certified (occupational health and safety management). In May 2018, • the site also received public recognition from a Spanish insurance company reserved for companies that have recorded accident rates below the sector average.



2018 Registration Document

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