Eurazeo / 2018 Registration document
Non-financial rating agencies Eurazeo is the only private equity company to feature in the five families of ESG benchmark indices alongside the world's most advanced companies in terms of CSR: Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI), Euronext Vigeo, FTSE4Good, MSCI ESG and Low Carbon Leaders and STOXX Sustainability, Low Carbon and ESG Leaders. Eurazeo was also rated by ISS-Oekom (C+) and awarded the Prime status. Companies with this status are considered as leaders in their sectors in terms of CSR.
Since 2015, roadshows specifically dedicated to SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) have been organized to meet specialized SRI investors. Sensing a growing interest among investors, the Eurazeo teams adopted a very active approach in 2018 by organizing two SRI roadshows, one for the first time in London with major institutional investors in line with the launch of specialized SRI funds.
In December 2018, Eurazeo was renewed in 4 Euronext Vigeo indices: Euronext Vigeo World 120, Euronext Vigeo Europe 120, Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120 and Euronext Vigeo France 20. This index range covers listed companies which obtain the best opinions from Vigeo Eiris on their CSR performance. In June 2018, Eurazeo was renewed in the TSE4Good index series . This series was designed to identify companies that apply solid environment, social and governance (ESG) practices. This is the second consecutive year that Eurazeo is part of this series of indices.
In September 2018, Eurazeo was renewed in the Ethibel Sustainability (ESI) Excellence Europe index which is composed of companies belonging to the Ethibel Register, based on a best-in-class approach combined with ethical exclusion criteria. Eurazeo has been included in this index since September 2014.
In 2018, Eurazeo received an “AA” rating from MSCI ESG Research and features among the 15% best rated companies from the inancial services sector. Following this rating, Eurazeo was renewed in the MSCI World ESG Leaders indice series as well as the MSCI World Low Carbon Leaders indices.
Rating AA « Leader »
Eurazeo has featured in the STOXX Global ESG Leaders and STOXX Low Carbon indices since 2017. These indices are based on ESG information provided by the Sustainalytics ratings agency and estimated and reported carbon intensity data taken from the CDP climate questionnaire.
The rating agency ISS Oekom awarded Eurazeo a Prime Status which rewards the most e icient companies with regard to corporate social responsibility.
Since 2016, Eurazeo has responded to the CDP climate questionnaire, a sign of its commitment to transparency in integrating CSR, and more particularly, the ight against climate change. In 2018, Eurazeo was rated “C”.
Eurazeo signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) of the United Nations in 2009. In 2018, Eurazeo was awarded an A+ in three PRI assessment modules and an A in the fourth.
Rating A+
2018 Registration Document
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