Eurazeo / 2018 Registration document
2.1.2 Ambition: ensure that all companies have exemplary governance bodies Eurazeo is convinced that high-quality governance is a key factor in the performance and long-term success of companies. Eurazeo’s CSR
strategy sets out 2020 objectives for criteria involving gender diversity, independence and the Board’s specialized committees.
2017 (Pro forma)
2018 (Pro forma)
2020 objectives 100% of companies to have at least 40% women Directors on the Board (1) (2) 100% of controlled companies to have at least 30% independent Directors on the Board (1) 100% of companies to have an Audit Committee and a Compensation Committee (3)
33% 63%
33% 88%
28% 78%
2018 monitoring indicators Average percentage of women on Boards Average percentage of independent Directors Percentage of companies with an Audit Committee Percentage of companies with a Compensation Committee
27% 22% 71% 71%
26% 30% 94% 94%
30% 26% 83% 83%
Methodological details: see Section 2.3 Methodology, page 117. On Supervisory Boards (SB) or Boards of Directors (BD). Independence within the meaning of the AFEP-MEDEF recommendations. (1) In the 2018 scope: Women account for 30% or more of Directors in 12 companies, between 10% and 29% in ten companies and less than 10% in just one (2) company. Committees that assist the SB or BD in the decision-making process. (3)
Created in 2008, the Eurazeo CSR Department is managed by Sophie Flak, Director of CSR and Digital. The four-member team reports to Nicolas Huet, General Secretary and member of the Eurazeo Executive Board.
A CSR Committee has been set up within Eurazeo’s Supervisory Board since 2014. Its purpose is to assist the Supervisory Board in monitoring CSR-related issues. The CSR Committee considers these issues in coordination with the Executive Board and reports regularly to the Supervisory Board on the exercise of its duties and issues recommendations on Eurazeo CSR policy and actions. As of December 31, 2018, it had 5 members, including 3 independent members, and was chaired by Mrs. Anne Lalou (see Section 3.1.3 Specialized Committees, page 156).
The objectives relating to the fulfillment of the 2020 CSR strategy are also part of the factors taken into account when calculating the variable compensation of all members of the Eurazeo Executive Board and will be extended to the Executive Committee in 2019.
2018 Registration Document
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