Eurazeo / 2018 Registration document
GOVERNANCE Management and Supervisory Bodies
Jean-Pierre Richardson is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of S.A. Joliette Matériel a family • holding company and Chairman of SAS Richardson. He joined SAS Richardson in 1962, a 51% subsidiary of Escaut et Meuse at that time, which later merged • with Eurazeo. He managed its operations from 1969 to 2003. From 1971 to 1979, he served as a judge at the Marseilles Commercial Court. • Jean-Pierre Richardson is a 1958 graduate of École Polytechnique. • MAIN POSITION HELD EXCLUDING EURAZEO Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SA Joliette Matériel. • OTHER OFFICES AND POSITIONS HELD IN COMPANIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2018
Age 80 (07/12/1938) Nationality French Date of first appointment May 14, 2008 End date of term of office 2022 Business address C/o Richardson 2, place Gantès – BP 41917 13225 Marseilles Cedex 02
Offices and positions currently held outside the Eurazeo group: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SA Joliette Matériel. •
Offices and positions held over the past five years Member of the Supervisory Board of ANF Immobilier. •
2018 Registration Document
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