Eurazeo / 2018 Registration document
Appendix: List of CSR Information that we considered to be the most important Key performance indicators and other quantitative results: Permanent workforce, percentage of employees with • non-permanent contracts in the total workforce, percentage of managers in the permanent workforce; New hires and departures; •
Fuel consumption (in liters); • Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3), breakdown by line • item for scope 3; Compliance expenditures during the year, environmental • provisions and guarantees and environmental certifications; Emissions of sulfur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx); • Production of hazardous and non-hazardous waste; percentage • of recycled waste; Water consumption and amount spent on consumption; • Percentage of companies monitored for the implementation • and strengthening of their anti-corruption procedures; Percentage of companies that have rolled out a sustainable • procurement code of conduct; Qualitative information (measures and outcomes) Eurazeo and its investments - results of the CSR strateg • Eurazeo – HR policy and commitments (non-discrimination • ande qual treatment, employee wellbeing, compensation) Eurazeo – Dialogue with stakeholders • Seqens – Greenhouse gas emissions control policy • Eurazeo – Ethics policy and anti-corruption program • Eurazeo – Tax risk management policy • Eurazeo and investments - Roll out of the sustainable procurement • policy.
Collective bargaining agreements signed relating to increasing the • payroll and enhancing the sharing of value created, internal bodies of the company and the protection and work conditions of employees; Percentage of part-time employees; • Percentage of companies that have carried out a social barometer • survey every three years; Gender diversity indicators (percentage of women in the • workforce, among permanent managers, on the Supervisory Board or the Board of Directors and in the primary decision-making body); Indicators of health and safety in the workplace (accident • frequency and severity rates, rate of absenteeism; Percentage of workforce covered by company health insurance • plans; Training indicators (total number of training hours, annual training • budgets, percentage of employees who have taken part in at least one training program during the year); Percentage of employees covered by profit-sharing or collective • bonus agreements excluding legal obligations and percentage of employee shareholders; Amount of Eurazeo sponsorship spending; • Energy consumption, excluding fuel, broken down by source • (MWh), percentage of renewable energies;
REASONABLE ASSURANCE REPORT BY ONE OF THE STATUTORY AUDITORS 2.4.2 ON A SELECTION OF LABOR AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE 2018 MANAGEMENT REPORT Year ended December 31, 2018 This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditor’s report issued in French and is provided solely for the convenience of English-speaking readers. This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards applicable in France. To the Shareholders, Pursuant to a request made and in our capacity as Statutory Auditor of Eurazeo SE (hereinafter “Eurazeo”), we have carried out certain verification work in order to be able to provide reasonable assurance concerning a selection of social and environmental information provided in Eurazeo SE’s 2018 management report in the “Eurazeo’s Corporate Social Responsibility” section. The social information selected by Eurazeo covers Eurazeo’s scope of consolidation, excluding investments, and is as follows: Workforce at December 31, 2018 (men/women, FTEs/full-time employees, part-time, permanent/non-permanent) and employee turnover • during the year; Hours of training and number of employees trained and training costs; • Rate of absenteeism. • The environmental information selected by Eurazeo covers Eurazeo’s scope of consolidation, excluding investments, and is as follows: Energy consumption, including electricity, renewable energies, combustibles and fuel; • Greenhouse gas emissions, scopes 1, 2 and 3; • Water consumption and waste production. • This information was prepared under the responsibility of Eurazeo’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Department in accordance with the Eurazeo CSR reporting guidelines, available on request from the CSR Department. It is our responsibility, on the basis of our work, to provide a conclusion of reasonable assurance with regard to this selected information.
2018 Registration Document
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