Econocom - 2020 annual report

06 consolidated financial statements

notes to the consolidated financial statements

Diluted earning attributable to owners of the parent, per share

in € millions, except for per share data and number of shares


2019 restated*

Diluted earning

50.3 49.6

47.9 59.4 (11.4)

Diluted earning from continuing operations Diluted earning from discontinued operations Average number of shares outstanding



227,816,144 584,776 1,301,240 24,213,075 253,915,235

Impact of stock options Impact of free shares

198,436 1,219,027

Impact of OCEANE convertible bonds

22,874,865 241,158,102

Diluted average number of shares outstanding

Diluted earning per share (in €)

0.209 0.205 0.003 0.297

0.189 0.234

Diluted earning per share from continuing operations (in €) Diluted earning per share from discontinued operations (in €) Diluted earning per shareattributable toowners of theparent (in €)


0.301 In accordance with IFRS 5 (see 2.2.5), 2019 income and expenses of operations considered discontinued in 2020 * are reclassified to “Profit (loss) from discontinued operations” in the 2019 income statement.

In accordance with IFRS standards, the stock option expense recognised in the income statement was not restated.


2020 annual report

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