Econocom - 2020 annual report

05 management report

corporate governance statement

Véronique di Benedetto (term of office expires at the May 2021 General Meeting) 86 RueMiromesnil, 75008 Paris(France) Non-executive Director ofEconocom group Gaspard Dürrleman (term of office expires at the May 2021 General Meeting) 32 Avenue Rapp,75007 Paris(France) Non-executive Director ofEconocom group Jean-Philippe Roesch (term of office expires at the May 2024 General Meeting) 21 Avenue dela Criolla, 92150 Suresnes (France) Non-executive Director ofEconocom group Walter Butler (term of office expires at the May 2023 General Meeting) 30 CoursAlbert 1 er , 75008 Paris (France) IndependentDirector of Econocom group Adeline Challon-Kemoun (term of office expires at the May 2024 General Meeting) 32 AvenueDuquesne, 75007 Paris(France) IndependentDirector of Econocom group Marie-Christine Levet (term of office expires at the May 2024 General Meeting) 91 Rue du Cherche-Midi, 75006 Paris(France) IndependentDirector of Econocom group

At 31 December 2020, the Board of Directors accordingly comprised: an Executive Chairman, Econocom • International BV(representedby Jean-Louis Bouchard) appointed on 19 May 2020 to replace Jean-Louis Bouchard. He is tasked with managing the Board of Directors and ensuringits efficient running,by monitoring its size and members and those of its Committees, and ensuring good communication with the Executive Committee to guarantee effective decision-making. The Committee appoints the Chairman fromamong the Vice-Chairs; a Vice-Chairman, Robert Bouchard. The • General Meeting of 19 May 2015 voted to establish a mandate for the Vice-Chairman of theBoard,andon 21 May2015 theBoardof Directors appointed Robert Bouchard Vice-Chairmanof the Board until the end of his termof office. The Boardappointsone or more Vice-Chairs from its members. In the event that the Chairmanis unableto attend, the Vice-Chair chairsthe Board meetings; a managingDirectorin chargeof day-to-day • management of Econocom group, Econocom International BV (appointed on 19 May2020); five non-executive Directors, Véronique • di BenedettoR, obertBouchard,Jean-Philippe Roesch,BrunoGrossiandGaspardDürrleman. Véroniquedi Benedettoexercisedoperational functionswithinEconocomgroupcompanies at 31 December 2020. However, she is not consideredto be an executiveDirector,as this status is reserved for Directors holding executivepositionsat Econocomgroupitself, in accordancewitha decisionof the Boardof Directors dated 24 Novembe2r016; three independent Directors within the • meaningof article 7:87§1 and §2 of the CSA, Adeline Challon-Kemoun, Marie-Christine Levet andWalter Butler.


2020 annual report

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