Econocom - 2019 Universal registration document

03 corporate social responsibility nurture our excellence through responsible commitment






Over the last few years, this has become considerably more structured and professional, thanks to the introduction of more rigorous regulation, growth in large e-commerce platforms (FNAC, Cdiscount, Veepee etc.) and specialist players (Backmarket, Recommerce, etc.), and above all the popularity with consumers. It provides the opportunity to access technologies or brands which, new, would be too expensive, it presents new possibilities in terms of usage or equipment, and there are also environmental motivations. For all these reasons, more and more French people are attracted to the possibility of buying products from previous generations, often formerly owned by professionals and in perfect working order, for a fraction of the original price. This is why demand is extremely high. Econocom and its partners also offer this know-how to businesses, which also have to manage the end of their equipment assets’ lifespan. Thanks to the processes put in place and the social commitment of its partners, Econocom contributes in this way to the CSR aims of its clients, ensuring that they respect environmental and safety regulations, as well as the complete traceability of the processing and final destination of the equipment. Be an ethical 1.3. and responsible player Signatory since 2012 of the United Nations Global Compact, the Econocom group commits to respecting and promoting the 10 fundamental values linked to human rights, the fight against corruption and the protection of the environment. The affirmation of these values, underpinned by the Corporate Social Responsibility policy, shows how the Group wants to continue to be a responsible, honest company, embodying and promoting these values within its ecosystem.

environmental In September ژ 2019, Emmanuel Macron and Muriel Pénicaud chose the backdrop of a visit to an Ateliers Sans Frontières (ASF) site to present the government’s “Pacte Ambition IAE” (integration through economic activity) project. The French President and the Employment Minister could observe the operations of the ASF company, which collects and recycles computer equipment, mainly provided by Econocom. This unique partnership contributes to a two-fold objective: it has a social purpose, providing an opportunity to people in great difficulty, giving them inter-personal skills and know how which will facilitate their return to the workplace; it also plays an environmental role, reconditioning equipment and giving it a new lease of life. This specialised partnership audits equipment, tests it, deletes data and certifies the deletion (in accordance with GDPR) and repackages it, or as a last resort, dismantles it in order to recycle the parts. In accordance with the philosophy of a circular economy, this recycling only happens with a tiny minority of the Econocom equipment, 95% of which currently gets a new lease of life. Since the start of the relationship between ASF and Econocom, their activity has registered continuous growth in volume and regular improvement in expertise in a climate of benevolent cooperation and mutual personal growth. As part of its CSR policy, Econocom has also extended its collaboration with the association, entrusting it with the preparation of computer donations. Econocom and ASF currently process 60,000 devices per year with a team of 15 ژ people. Since the operation started, about a hundred of them have found a job thanks to this activity. This effective collaboration with ASF, and also with ATF Gaia and Recyclea, enables Econocom to play a leading role on the reconditioned digital equipment market.


2019 annual report

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