Econocom - 2019 Universal registration document

03 corporate social responsibility actions and highlights

PRIORITY COMMITMENTS: goal no. ژ 12: responsible consumption and • production; goal no. ژ 9: innovation and infrastructure; • goal no. ژ 4: access to quality education; • goal no. ژ 10: reduced inequalities; • goal no. ژ 17: partnerships for global goals. •

ACTIVE CONTRIBUTION: goal no. ژ 13: fight against climate change; • goal no. ژ 5: gender equality; • goal no. ژ 8: access to decent jobs. • PARTICIPATION: goal no. ژ 3: access to health; • goal no. ژ 11: sustainable cities and • communities; goal no. ژ 7: use of renewable energies. •


2019 annual report

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