Econocom - 2019 Universal registration document

06 consolidated financial statements

notes to the consolidated financial statements

note ژ 9.3 • impairment of goodwill; –

Depending on how these assumptions change, the items in future financial statements may differ materially from the current estimates. The impact of changes in accounting estimates is recognised in the period in which the change occurred and all future affected periods. The main assumptions used by the Group are set out in the relevant sections in the notes to the financial statements and in particular in the following notes: note ژ 2 – Basis and scope of consolidation; • note 4.1.1 – Revenue recognition: • accounting principles; note ژ 4.3 – Government grants; • note ژ 7 – Income tax; •




note ژ 11 – Residual interest in leased assets • and gross liability for purchases of leased assets; note ژ 13 – Financial Instruments; • note ژ 15.3.1 – Share-based payments; • note ژ 16 – Provisions; • note ژ 17 – Provisions for pensions and other • post-employment benefit obligations. The main accounting policies that require the use of estimates are described in note ژ 24 – Assessments made by Management and sources of uncertainty.


2019 annual report

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