EXEL Industries // 2020 Universal registration document

Statement of Non-Financial Performance

Actions undertaken

Take climate action by reducing air emissions and controlling energy usage

a - Climate action

By our activity In the work-related transport fi eld: we encourage our employees to use public transport (train rather than car). To limit travel, the Group is installing video-conferencing systems and making increasingly frequent use of shared digital applications such as Teams. Vehicle fl eets are managed in a way that limits CO ² /km. Several companies in the Group now o ff er mileage allowances to employees who travel towork by bike. AGRIFAC encourages car-pooling. SAMES KREMLIN’s Chinese site organizes a shuttle service for home-work journeys. Covid-19 has increased the pace of this trend in all of our companies, prompting much greater use of digital tools and thereby signi fi cantly reducing the environmental impact. Companies are starting to o ff er electric company cars. More than that, at SAMES KREMLIN the “bike bonus” has been extended to users of electric vehicles; and the company has installed the fi rst electric charging station on the Meylan site, which makes it the fi rst such model company in its economic area. The same applies to iNTEC. On sites with painting facilities, VOC emissions are monitored and limited by the air extraction and fi ltering equipment installed in paint booths and welding stations. We encourage the installation of radiant heating systems: they are more energy e ffi cient than oil heating systems, which have been replaced on certain sites. Within TRICOFLEX , an “energymanagement committee” was formed last year, consisting of members of the Executive Committee, the HSE manager and the maintenance manager. This was combined with a management system whose goal is to reduce TRICOFLEX’s energy impact, in terms of kWh used per metric ton transformed. The “cooling units” installed last year enabled the removal of a water reserve of 400 m 3 of water consumption that was previously renewed every year. Finally, TRICOFLEX is reducing its energy impact by investing in a plant heating system based on the recovery of the heat emitted by its process water refrigeration system.

Due to our customers using our equipment To reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the farm machinery we market, our Research and Development Departments are working on lighter and lighter machines. The standards we meet are an essential reference for these machines. Our companies have upgraded their engines to phase 5, in accordance with the European NRMM regulation (non road mobile machinery Emissions), known more technically as EU 2016 (1628). ET Works and the American market, the world’s largest agricultural equipment market, are a ff ected by the changes, and the research arms have been put to work to meet the stage 5 emissions standard for diesel motors. Likewise, in Sugar Beet Harvesters and Agricultural Spraying (with AGRIFAC for example), the speci fi c plans for renovating and exchanging machines help to limit our environmental footprint. Another issue on which our agricultural businesses are working is the quality of their customer service. The quality of this service as established in premium programs ( e.g. , “Dark” in the case of BERTHOUD) includes full-service packages that get the customer up and running with training in using the technologies included in the device and regular visits to the customer by technicians in order to guarantee the maintenance and use of the sprayer under optimal conditions. This in turn guarantees the quality of the spraying and the optimization of the phytosanitary products used in the treatment of growing areas. Industrial painting equipment (pumps and applicators) consumes electricity and compressed air. This consumption represents a cost for our customers which go beyond ecological concerns. Our engineers are trying to make our equipment consume the minimum necessary. Adapt to climate change Our machines already adapt to di ff erent climates, desert climates in Australia, wide expanses in Russia, with humid weather in the fall for beet crops, agriculture on small plots in France, etc. HOZELOCK is adapting its product lines to allow more widespread development of micro-irrigation, which uses less water.


Calculation of CO 2 emissions:





Calculation of CO 2 emissions





* Change in the propane conversion factor.

EXEL Industries group I 2020 Universal Registration Document


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