EXEL Industries // 2020 Universal registration document

Statement of Non-Financial Performance

Actions undertaken

The Exechos magazine, produced at Group level in 8 languages, is sent to all employees at their homes. The Group’s press releases are distributed within the companies. An eco-responsible feature is featured in all issues. This magazine introduces and explains the Group’s cultural resources to all its employees beyond the con fi nes of their own entity.

 due to the Group’s internationalization and the need to develop synergies, languages are also a major training topic. English is the Group-wide language for communication, and anymeetingwhere one of the participants does not understand French is conducted in English. But the Group also ensures that French is taught in the foreign companies. The foreign companies run many courses;  technical skills are also the subject of numerous courses, in particular concerning products and know-how;  IT is also covered, for the ERP, business software and office automation. Awareness-raising through distance training or interactive seminar-type meetings held via the internet (webinars) are also organized around security and the proper use of IT resources;  the tools for implement ing new methods of product ion management require broad skills and knowledge. Several Group entities have adopted these methods, which require intensive training as well as the production of internal manuals for these in-house training classes. b - Qualifying training and re-training: indispensable for making and keeping workers employable, and keeping them abreast of technological advances A lifelong course of training is becomingmore andmore of a necessity. Several major measures were taken in technical fi elds to raise skill levels. In particular, HOZELOCK EXEL provided qualifying training for Line Operators and Operators, TRICOFLEX provided long-term initiatives for the joint quali fi cation certi fi cate for metallurgy (CQPM) as assembler, and AGRIFAC for continuous improvement tools. The Group’s companies o ff ered nearly 36,000 hours of training, for a trained headcount of over 1,300 people and an investment of nearly €1.1 million. This slight decrease on last year is attributable to the impact of Covid-19 , with numerous postponements of initiatives due to lockdown measures and the closure of many training institutions. This excludes work time dedicated to customized in-house training on work stations and assistance to young people in training for their apprenticeships, internships, etc. That, it must be emphasized, and even though this has not been measured, it because distance training and seminars really took o ff during this period and will be a signi fi cant component of training in the years to come. The EXEL Industries group pays close attention to the development of its employees at its various subsidiaries. Interviews held at least yearly are arranged with management. These make it possible to focus on and take stock of employees’ plans and ambitions. The daily discussions between the Human Resources Departments of the various companies and oversight by the Group HR Department of a HR Committee for France and an HR Committee for International bring the HR professionals together to de fi ne the skills needed and the positions that need fi lling, so as to foster employees’ mobility and career growth. c - Internal mobility: a way to develop skills and discover the Group

Ensure workplace health, safety and Ƥ wellbeing

a - Absenteeism The absenteeism rate is an indicator followed very closely by the EXEL Industries group and a strong marker of the climate within the company. For several years, the objective has been to be under 3%. This is a very ambitious objective given the long-term social trend in France and internationally towards higher rates of absenteeism. Of course, 2019/2020 was marked by the global health crisis stemming from Covid-19 . All our companies experienced a higher level of absenteeism than usual. Indeed, and even though fewpeople in our companies have been a ff ected by Covid-19, the necessary precautions including self-isolation and presumed contamination resulted in more shutdowns than usual. This year, we recorded an absenteeism rate of 3.4%. And while that may be above the target, it is nevertheless thought to be so in very acceptable proportions. We are maintaining our ambitious target of 3%, even though the crisis is far from over. Note on absenteeism: Absenteeism is calculated on the basis of short absences (up to 3 months). The absenteeism rate is calculated as the actual work days of absence in relation to the number of days theoretically worked. We exclude industrial accidents or occupational illnesses, maternity, paternity and parental leave, unpaid leave, family-related leave, long-term illness, etc. This method provides an insight into the employee climate in the Group. This issue continues to be one of the four areas of focus selected by the Group. To improve wellbeing at work and to reduce the costs of absenteeism, concrete actions have been implemented in the Group’s companies:  return to work interviews are held for employees who were absent for over a week;  improving communication (in the department, at the Management level, at the social partners level and with employees on speci fi c health themes, remaining in contact with the sick employee);  free vaccination measures at HOLMER, decisions to implement special vaccinat ion operat ions at HOZELOCK EXEL and HOZELOCK Ltd. b - Act preventatively to ensure the safety of employees Workplace health and safety conditions are taken into account in all of the Group’s companies.


EXEL Industries group I 2020 Universal Registration Document


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