EXEL Industries // 2020 Universal registration document

Ordinary General Meeting of February 9, 2021

Cross-reference table

No. Required items

Chap. / Pages

3. Report on Corporate Governance


Information on remuneration 3.1 Remuneration policy for executive corporate o ffi cers

Chap. 7 / p. 110-111

3.2 Remuneration and bene fi ts of any kind paid during the fi scal year or awarded to each corporate o ffi cer during the fi scal year

Chap. 7 / p. 111-113

3.3 Relative proportion of fi xed and variable remuneration

Chap. 7 / p. 110-113

3.4 Use of the option to request the return of variable remuneration


3.5 Commitments of any kind made by the Company for the bene fi t of its corporate o ffi cers, corresponding to elements of remuneration, severance payments or bene fi ts due or likely to be due as a result of the assumption, termination or change of their duties or subsequent to the exercise of such duties 3.6 Remuneration paid or allocated by a company included in the scope of consolidation within the meaning of Article L.233-16 of the French Commercial Code 3.7 Ratios between the level of remuneration of each executive corporate o ffi cer and the average and median remuneration of the Company’s employees 3.8 Annual change in remuneration, the Company’s performance, the average remuneration of the Company’s employees and the aforementioned ratios over the fi ve most recent fi scal years 3.9 Explanation of how the total remuneration complies with the adopted remuneration policy, including how it contributes to the long-term performance of the Company and how the performance criteria were applied 3.10 Method of taking into account the vote of the last Ordinary General Meeting provided for in II of Article L.225-00 (until December 31, 2020) and then in I of Artic le L.22-10-34 (from January 1, 2021) of the French Commercial Code


Chap. 7 / p. 111-113

Chap. 7 / p. 114

Chap. 7 / p. 114

Chap. 7 / p. 111-113

Chap. 7 / p. 110

3.11 Deviation from the procedure for implementing the remuneration policy and any exceptions


3.12 Application of the provisions of the second paragraph of Article L.225-45 of the French Commercial Code (suspension of payment of directors’ remuneration in the event of non-compliance with gender balance on the Board of Directors)

Chap. 7 / p. 105

3.13 Allocation and retention of options by corporate o ffi cers


3.14 Allocation and retention of free shares to executive corporate o ffi cers



Governance information 3.15 O ffi ces and positions held in any company by each corporate o ffi cer during the fi scal year

Chap. 7 / p. 106, 109

3.16 Agreements entered into between an executive or a signi fi cant shareholder and a subsidiary

Chap. 5 / p. 81

3.17 Summary of authorizations in force granted by the shareholders’ Annual General Meeting relating to increases in share capital

Chap. 8 / p. 122

3.18 Procedures for exercising Executive Management

Chap. 7 / p. 105

3.19 Composition, conditions of preparation and organization of the work of the Board

Chap. 7 / p. 106-107

3.20 Application of the principle of balanced representation of men and women on the Board

Chap. 7 / p. 105

3.21 Any limitations that the Board places on the powers of the Chief Executive O ffi cer


3.22 Reference to a Corporate Governance Code and application of the comply or explain principle

Chap. 7 / p. 104

3.23 Speci fi c procedures for shareholder participation at the Annual General Meeting

Chap. 8 / p. 116-117

3.24 Assessment procedure for current agreements – Implementation

Chap. 7 / p. 108

3.25 Information likely to have an impact in the event of a public tender o ff er or exchange o ff er

Chap. 8 / p. 123

EXEL Industries group I 2020 Universal Registration Document


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