EXEL Industries // 2020 Universal registration document

Ordinary General Meeting of February 9, 2021 9

Text of the resolutions submitted to the Ordinary General Meeting of February 9, 2021

Ninth resolution Approval of the remuneration policy for the Deputy Chief Executive Officers for the 2020/2021 fiscal year ( ex-ante say on pay) The Annual General Meeting, ruling under the conditions of quorum and majority for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance drawn up in accordance with Article L.225-37 of the French Commercial Code, approves, pursuant to Article L.22-10-8 (formerly Article L.225-37-2) II of the French Commercial Code, the remuneration policy applicable to the Deputy Chief Executive O ffi cers, as presented in this report (section 7.4.1 of the 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document). Tenth resolution Approval of the remuneration policy for the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the 2020/2021 fiscal year ( ex-ante say on pay) The Annual General Meeting, ruling under the conditions of quorum and majority for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance drawn up in accordance with Article L.225-37 of the French Commercial Code, approves, pursuant to Article L.22-10-8 (formerly Article L.225-37-2) II of the French Commercial Code, the remuneration policy applicable to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, as presented in this report (section 7.4.1 of the 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document). The Annual General Meeting, ruling under the conditions of quorum and majority for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance prepared in accordance with Article L.225-37 of the French Commercial Code, approves, pursuant to Article L.22-10-8 (formerly Article L.225-37-2) II of the French Commercial Code, the remuneration policy applicable to directors, as presented in this report (section 7.4.1 of the 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document). Twelfth resolution Approval of the report on the remuneration of corporate officers ( ex-post say on pay) The Annual General Meeting, voting under the quorum and majority requirements for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance prepared in accordance with Article L.225-37 of the French Commercial Code, approves, pursuant to Article L.22-10-34 (formerly Article L.225- 100) II of the French Commercial Code, the information mentioned in Article L.225-37-3 of the French Commercial Code presented therein (section 7.4.2 of the 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document). Eleventh resolution Approval of the remuneration policy for directors for the 2020/2021 fiscal year ( ex-ante say on pay)

Thirteenth resolution Approval of the components of the remuneration paid during the fiscal year ended on September 30, 2020 to Patrick BALLU in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors ( ex-post say on pay) The Annual General Meeting, ruling under the conditions of quorum and majority for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance, approves, in accordance with Article L.22-10-34 (formerly Article L.225-100) III of the French Commercial Code, the fi xed, variable and exceptional items making up the total remuneration and bene fi ts of any kind paid during the fi scal year ended September 30, 2020 to Patrick BALLU in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors, as presented in this report (section 7.4.2 of the 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document). Fourteenth resolution Approval of the components of the remuneration paid during the year or allocated for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020 to Guerric BALLU in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer until December 17, 2019 ( ex-post say on pay) The Annual General Meeting, ruling under the conditions of quorum and majority for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance, approves, in accordance with Article L.22-10-34 (formerly Article L.225-100) III of the French Commercial Code, the fi xed, variable and exceptional items making up the total remuneration and bene fi ts of any kind paid during the fi scal year ended September 30, 2020 to Guerric BALLU in his capacity as Chief Executive O ffi cer until December 17, 2019, as presented in this report (section 7.4.2 of the 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document). Fifteenth resolution Approval of the components of the remuneration paid during the fiscal year ended on September 30, 2020 to Yves BELEGAUD in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer from December 17, 2019 ( ex-post say on pay) The Annual General Meeting, ruling under the conditions of quorum and majority for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance, approves, in accordance with Article L.22-10-34 (formerly Article L.225-100) III of the French Commercial Code, the fi xed, variable and exceptional items making up the total remuneration and bene fi ts of any kind paid during the fi scal year ended September 30, 2020 to Yves BELEGAUD in his capacity as Chief Executive O ffi cer as from December 17, 2019, as presented in this report (section 7.4.2 of the 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document).

EXEL Industries group I 2020 Universal Registration Document


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