ENGIE - Notice of meeting 2020

How to participate in the Shareholders’ Meeting

Mode of participation in the Shareholders' Meeting as an exceptional measure in view of the situation regarding the COVID-19 epidemic and the restrictions imposed on the holding of Shareholders' Meetings 1. Voty by mail or by proxy On a preliminary basis, for proxies assigned with no indication of an approved by the Board of Directors, and against any other proposed authorized representative, the Chairman of the Shareholders’ Meeting resolutions. will vote in favor of the adoption of the draft resolutions presented or

1.1 VOTY BY MAIL OR BY PROXY, BY ORDINARY MAIL As the Shareholders’ Meeting will take place with no shareholders present, shareholders are invited to vote by mail or to request representation by granting this power to the Chairman of the Shareholders’ Meeting or to the third party. They can choose between the options offered to them on the single form attached by to assign your proxy to the meeting Chairman, check box 2 ; the C Chairman will issue in your name a vote in favor of adoption of the draft resolutions presented or approved by the Board of Directors and a vote against the adoption of all other proposed resolutions; to assign your proxy to your spouse, your civil-union partner, C another ENGIE shareholder or any third party or entity, check box 3 and identify your proxy. Shareholders also have the option of sending their voting instructions online before the Shareholders’ Meeting, on the VOTACCESS portal, as follows: Your shares are registered shares : You can access the C VOTACCESS platform through the Sharinbox site at www.sharinbox.societegenerale.com using your Sharinbox access code. This can be found on the single voting form or in the email for those who opted to receive a paperless Notice of Meeting. The password for the website was sent to you by mail at the beginning of your business relationship with Société Générale Securities Services. To have the email resent, click on “Get your codes” on the website home page. Once on the home page of the website, holders of registered shares should follow the instructions on screen to access the VOTACCESS platform and vote. Your shares are bearer shares: Please find out from your C account custodian whether it is connected to VOTACCESS and, if so, whether this access is subject to specific conditions of use. If your account custodian is connected to VOTACCESS, you can identify yourself on your custodian’s website using your usual access codes. You should then follow the instructions on screen to access the VOTACCESS platform and vote. checking the corresponding box: to vote by mail, check box 1; C 1.2 VOTING BY MAIL OR BY PROXY, BY ELECTRONIC MEANS In view of the situation regarding the COVID-19 epidemic, electronic voting is strongly recommended.

Next, DATE and SIGN box 4 and return the form as indicated below. Your shares are registered shares : Simply send your voting C form to Société Générale using the prepaid envelope enclosed with your Notice of Meeting. Your shares are bearer shares : Send your voting form or C proxy form to your financial intermediary, who will forward it, along with the share ownership certificate issued thereby, to Société Générale, Service des Assemblées Générales. To be counted, vote-by-mail or proxy forms must be received by Société Générale at least three calendar days prior to the Shareholders’ Meeting, i.e. Monday, May 11, 2020 is the last day for receipt. Assignments or withdrawals of proxies by mail must be received no later than three calendar days before the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting, i.e. Monday, May 11, 2020 is the last day for receipt. Please note that only bearer shareholders whose custodian is a member of the VOTACCESS system may vote online. The VOTACCESS platform for the Shareholders’ Meeting of Thursday, May 14, 2020 will be open from 9 a.m. (Paris time) on April 27, 2020. The option of voting and assigning a proxy online before the Shareholders’ Meeting will not be available after 3 p.m. (Paris time) on Wednesday, May 13, 2020. If the account custodian is not connected to the VOTACCESS platform, the assignment or withdrawal of a proxy may nevertheless be notified electronically, pursuant to Article R.225-79 of the French Commercial Code, via the following procedures: The shareholder should send an email to this address C assemblees.generales@sgss.socgen.com. This email must contain the following information: the name of the Company concerned, the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting, the full name, address, and bank details of the person assigning the proxy and the full name and, if possible, the address of the authorized representative; Shareholders must request the authorized intermediary that C manages their share account to send written confirmation to the Shareholders' Meeting Service of Société Générale at the following address: Société Générale Securities Services – Service Assemblée Générale – CS 30812, 44308 Nantes Cedex 3.


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