PRESENTATION OF EDF GROUP Description of the Group's activities

For sustainable cities and regions Energy developments for cities and regions are now naturally associated with sustainable development objectives: environmental impact, local economic activity and poverty constitute major preoccupations for local. Customer data protection The protection of data belonging to EDF customers is a major component of the Customer Department's action plan to secure assets/goods and information systems. Measures taken under the plan are presented every year to suppliers' governance bodies. Special care is taken to make data processing compliant with regulations, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and to raise awareness among employees in general and entity managers in particular. For example 12 awareness initiatives were conducted in 2017 and 19 executives in the Customer Department received personal assistance. Over a dozen vulnerability reviews were carried out in 2017 and security acceptance tests were regularly conducted to test for critical vulnerabilities in customer applications. Outsourced services likewise underwent a specific risk analysis. Customer data are protected by means of specific measures. Advisers are regularly given instructions on how to keep data safe. Every year an internal audit on the capacity of the information systems to securely host customer data is conducted. It ensures that only employees in charge of customer relations have access to customer data. Particular and deliberate care has also been taken to implement measures to reduce the number of customer complaints relating to data protection. Examples include “unsubscribe from all” links and regular analyses of customer feedback to identify areas of improvement and customer preferences. Public electricity distribution concessions at regulated tariffs Concessions hereby referred to cover two distinct public service missions: the development and operation of public distribution networks, which are the ■ responsibility of Enedis in mainland France, excluding Local Distribution Companies (ELD) (see section “Distribution – Enedis”) and of EDF in the non-interconnected areas (ZNI); the supply of electricity to customers benefiting from regulated sales tariffs ■ connected to the public distribution networks, under the responsibility of EDF for mainland France (excluding ELDs) and ZNIs. This mission is carried out in compliance with the commitments of the concession specifications and general terms and conditions of sale (subscription terms, payment and delivery terms, contractualisation, etc.). Each concession contract in continental metropolitan France is co-signed by EDF, Enedis and the licensing authority, and concerns a municipality or a grouping of municipalities. These public service missions are executed in the framework of 509 concession agreements of which 50 are at departmental level. Over the 2014-2017 period many concession agreements were negotiated and signed, in particular with the Seine-et-Marne and Vaucluse energy consortia, the Douaisis municipal association and the cities of Melun, Tours and Toulon. An amendment to its concession contract was signed on 14 April 2016 with the Sipperec syndicate, which gathers more than 100 local authorities in the greater Paris area, which notably extends the concession by 10 years. Several contractual negotiations were concluded in 2017, including with the Nice Côte d’Azur metropolis, the Grand Poitiers urban community, the Cher département (via its energy syndicate) and the town of Draguignan (Var département).

EDF Entreprises has a diversified range of products intended for all its electricity and gas customers, whether small companies or large industrial customers: online consumption monitoring, electronic invoices, assistance and troubleshooting, advice (optimisation of subscribed power, efficiency and reduction of energy expenses, etc.), in particular for customers who want to use an energy management system. In order to always be as close as possible to the various expectations of its customers, EDF has put into place offers dedicated to large customers, not only with tailor-made electricity and gas supply offers and offers that reward customers that can shed load, but also support controlling their energy consumption and their CO 2 emissions as well as CO 2 trading for businesses subject to the national quota allocation plan (see section “General regulations that are applicable to the environment, health, hygiene and safety”). Lastly, in order to assist its customers with the energy transition, EDF Entreprises gets involved into the promotion of eco-gestures by means of awareness-raising campaigns. In addition, EDF Entreprises carries out energy audits for its customers in order to help them better identify the possible energy savings. The EDF Entreprises’s certified teams assist their customers with the implementation of energy EDF Entreprises prioritizes the satisfaction of its customers to whom it listens and whom it surveys every time they contact it both in terms of how offers match needs, the monitoring of requests and the information and advice offered. In 2017, 88.7% of all customers were very or fairly satisfied on average, almost 10 points more than the previous year. EDF and regional authorities, social housing landlords, local distribution companies ELDs and public service providers Against the background of regional reform and the energy transition, EDF offers customised solutions for local authorities and public institutions with decentralised decision-making powers (hospitals, universities and major graduate schools, chambers of commerce and industry, CROUS student service centres, ports and airports). The EDF group is active for these customers in five areas: as a competitive market operator: ■ the supply of electricity and gas at market price, responding to their energy ■ problems (proposal of offers and solutions adapted to the needs described in calls for tender), the development of offers and services in terms of energy transition: local ■ climate plans, eco-districts, local generation, street lighting, electric mobility, energy efficiency of buildings, etc.; with respect to its public service missions: ■ the conclusion of concessions agreements to supply electricity at the ■ regulated sales tariff, the supply of electricity at the regulated sales tariff, ■ the fight against energy poverty. ■ In 2017, 92% of all EDF Collectivités customers were very or fairly satisfied, 5 points more than the previous year. Managing energy consumption with local authorities Agreements have been signed with local governments, covering the implementation of the energy transition in their regions. In addition, local authorities with the power to make decisions in the area of energy arrange specific actions in their region in matters concerning control of energy demand and renewable energies. A “Load Amount” device for social-housing lessors aims to improve the energy efficiency of social housing, and makes it possible for EDF to issue energy savings certificates. In 2017, more than 133,150 of which were for renovation work. management systems (ISO 50001). Customer satisfaction



DF I Reference Document 2017

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