EDF / 2018 Reference document


PRESENTATION OF EDF GROUP Description of the Group's activities

EDF Trading operates in this market from its trading platform in London (see section “Optimisation and trading: EDF Trading”). Framatome Ibérica is active in Spain through various engineering and maintenance contracts with firms that own nuclear reactors. Lastly, since 2015, EDF Invest has held a minority stake in Madrileña Red de Gas, the operator of the main gas distribution network in the Madrid region. North America The EDF group operates throughout the North American continent, with a strong presence in the United States. It has more than 8.9GW of installed capacity in North America. It also manages, on behalf of third parties, around 52GW of installed capacity under operation and investments in nuclear generation, related to its 49.99% stake in CENG ■ (“Constellation Energy Nuclear Group”), a joint venture with the Exelon group (leading American nuclear operator) in three nuclear power plants. CENG has installed capacity of 4GW (i.e. 2GW consolidated by EDF group). These three facilities are operated by Exelon; renewable energies, with a net capacity of 6.9GW, mainly located in the United ■ States through EDF Renewables North America, a wholly-owned American subsidiary of EDF Renewables. Equally, EDF Renewables Services (a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF Renewables North America) manages close to 10GW in North America through operation and maintenance contracts on its own account or on behalf of third parties; trading, throughout the entire value chain in North American gas -and electricity ■ markets through EDF Trading North America, and the supply of energy management products in the US and Canada through EDF Energy Services (a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF Trading North America); energy services, local management of energy and energy efficiency, under the ■ management of Dalkia and its subsidiaries Dalkia wastenergy, Groom Energy Solutions and Aegis Energy Services; R&D and Innovation, as part of EDF Innovation Lab; ■ urban street lighting, via Citelum, a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF. ■ Nuclear activities in the United States Nuclear generation: Constellation Energy Nuclear Group (CENG) On 6 November 2009, the EDF group and CEG established CENG. Since the merger between Exelon and CEG, EDF and Exelon have owned stakes of 49.99% and 50.01% respectively in CENG. EDF and Exelon agreed in 2014 to transfer the power plant operating licenses of CENG to Exelon. Pursuant to this agreement, Exelon manages the day-to-day operations of the three CENG nuclear sites (five nuclear reactors). As part of the transaction, in 2016, CENG paid EDF US$400 million in special dividends and EDF was granted a put option to sell its CENG shares to Exelon at fair market value exercisable between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2022. CENG is governed by a Board of Directors of ten members, five of whom are appointed by the EDF group and the other five, including the Chairman, by Exelon. CENG’s nuclear activities CENG’s nuclear business is under the control of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). CENG operates five nuclear reactors, spread across three operating sites and representing a combined capacity of 4,272MW. The duration of licences for Units 1 and 2 of Calvert Cliffs, Unit 1 and 2 of Nine Mile Point and RE Ginna is 60 years. maintenance or optimisation services contracts. EDF’s activities in North America mainly include:

Including the installed capacity of Futuren, EDF Renewables had 185.8MW of gross installed wind power capacity in Germany at 31 December 2018. The Eckölstadt wind farm was also brought back online and repowered. Repowering (or upgrading) consists of replacing old or used plant equipment. EDF Renewables also owns Off-Shore Wind Solutions (OWS), a German firm specialising in the operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms, which it acquired in 2017 via its German subsidiary REETEC, a provider of onshore and offshore wind power services (see section “EDF Renewables”). Based in Erlangen (Bavaria), Framatome Gmbh has 3,500 employees, making the subsidiary Framatome's second largest engineering concern in the world. Its main business is maintaining, prolonging and upgrading nuclear plants all over the world (especially Instrumentation & Control systems). It is also involved in the building of EPRs in France, Finland, China and the UK. Framatome is also active in electricity and hydrogen storage in Germany. Framatome's other German subsidiary, Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH (ANF), makes fuel assemblies for PWRs and BWRs in Germany and Europe and has 430 employees in Lingen (head office) and Karlstein. EIFER, a research centre which reports to EDF's R&D department, is based in Karlsruhe and has more than 110 employees. Its work focuses on the optimisation of energy resources and decentralised generation (integration of renewables), energy in cities and local communities as well as energy conservation and the environment (electro-mobility, Power-to-Gas, Smart Cities). Electranova Capital holds a stake of around 13.4% in Sunfire, a Dresden-based company which develops high-temperature electrolysers (Power-to-Gas and Power-to-Liquids). Lastly, EDF Trading actively participates on commodities market in Germany, especially the intraday and gas markets. Central and Eastern Europe oland On 13 November 2017, EDF finalised the sale of EDF Polska's assets (cogeneration and electricity generation) to PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA after obtaining all the regulatory approvals and authorisations required under the sales contract signed between EDF and PGE on 19 May 2017. EDF group is present in Poland, through its subsidiaries EDF Renewables, DK Energy Polska and Fenice Poland, and intends to remain the Polish government's partner in the development of the country's energy mix and its nuclear programme. Russia The EDF group is present in Russia in the energy services sector via Fenice Rus, a subsidiary of Dalkia (see section “Dalkia”). Southern Europe Spain At 31 December 2018, the EDF group held 31.48% of the capital of Elcogas, a 320MW power plant of the ICCG type (Integrated Combined-Cycle Gasification), alongside Endesa Generación (40.99%) and Iberdrola Generación (12.0%). As the profitability of the power plant was no longer assured, it was disconnected from the network in 2016 and its dismantling was initiated. On 25 April 2017, Elcogas agreed to sell land and facilities to Ence, a pulp manufacturer. Ence intends to develop and build a 50MW biomass plant on the site. Given that Elcogas is no longer profitable, the Company will be liquidated in the coming months. The Group is also present on the Spanish market through the local subsidiary Fenice (EDF Fenice Ibérica, see section “Italy”) and the Citelum subsidiary (see section “Citelum”). In 2018 Citelum took part in an initiative by the city of Almería in Andalusia to measure and reduce light pollution. In Sant Cugat del Vallès in Catalonia, Citelum is continuing to develop new connected services to improve life in the Spanish smart city and, to that end, installed an innovative noise sensor system connected to street lights.


I Reference Document 2018

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