EDF / 2018 Reference document


in partnership with the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO), the Cordemais ■ site has constructed a building tailored for bats to mitigate the destruction of existing buildings. Creating this ex nihilo bat’s lair as part of the offsetting measures is the first of its kind in France. The LPO is monitoring the use of the roost by bats. For raising awareness among the general public In France, EDF is involved in the Fête de la nature as the main sponsor of this national festival which attracts considerable media attention. In 2018, 31 EDF sites participated, organising a total of 80 events which attracted 4,800 visitors. On the occasion of this festival, EDF published 20,000 copies of a newspaper dedicated to questions about biodiversity. The Group is implementing other voluntary action levers, as part of political patronage initiatives such as: in Brazil, EDF Norte Fluminense is continuing its work with the Mico Leao ■ Dourado non-profit organisation to preserve an Atlantic rainforest: reforestation of the watershed, Leontopithecus rosali habitat (golden lion tamarin). Since the start of the project, nearly 10 hectares of forest and agroforestry systems have been reforested with the direct support of EDF Norte Fluminense; EDF supports the “red list” of endangered species in France prepared by UICN ■ France and the French Natural History Museum.

Contribute towards the implementation of public policies The Group also helps with the deployment of public policies, both national and local, in favour of biodiversity. Actions in favour of protected areas and threatened species (1) In Europe Several EDF sites contribute to achieving the preservation objectives in the Natura 2000 areas and to implementing the Natura 2000 contracts. The Group participates in Life+ programmes, in particular EDF for the Pyrenean Desman (2014-2019), EDF Luminus for migratory fish, or Enedis (2) with Life Gypconnect. France The Group contributes to a number of national action plans for the Bearded ■ Vulture, the Zingel Asper and Bonelli’s Eagle, and takes part in the regional variants of these plans, such as the European otter project in the Centre region, Angelica Heterocarpa, or the one for Odonata, which was the topic of a thesis defended in 2018; in Réunion, EDF carries out actions for the protection and conservation of the ■ “Papangues” (an endemic endangered species) in partnership with SEOR: acquisition of data on the flight corridors of these birds by fitting transceivers. EDF is involved in the financing of the project and with fitting equipment on our networks (receivers);


These initiatives are carried out on species identified according to their status and dependence or proximity to our facilities. (1) Enedis is an independently managed subsidiary. (2)


EDF I Reference Document 2018

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