DERICHEBOURG - Universal registration document 2019-2020


Group Profile


4 Financial statements


Consolidatedfinancial statements fotrhe yearended 4.1 September 30, 2020i,n compliance with IFRS 132 Parentcompany financiasltatements atSeptember 30, 4.2 2020 186 Independent auditorsf’ees and feespaid to their 4.3 networkby the Group 212

1 CSR report (serving as statement of extra-financial performance)


Overviewof businessesandbusinessmodel 1.1

13 30

Main CSRRisks 1.2

Scorecard showingprincipal sociale, nvironmental 1.3 and societal information

5 Information on the Companyand share capital

32 33 43 49 53 56

Being a committedemployer 1.4


Reducing theGroup'senvironmental footprint 1.5 Being a majorplayerin the circulareconomy 1.6 Consolidating relationships otrfustwith our partners 1.7

Share capital:amountof subscribedcapital 5.1

215 215 215 215

Authorized capitanl ot issued 5.2

Non-equity securities 5.3

Duty ofvigilance 1.8

Securities giving accestso theCompany’ssharecapital 5.4 Potential capitali:mpactof issueson theequity interest 5.5 in Derichebourg of a shareholder with a 1c%apital interestand who doesnot subscribesaid issues 216 Tableshowing changesin sharecapital duringthe last 5.6 three fiscal years 216 Sharesheldby the issueror by its subsidiaries 5.7 216 Voting Rights 5.8 217 2% threshold setin bylaws 5.9 217 Restrictions onvoting rights and sharteransfers 5.10 providedfor in the Company bylaws 217 List ofowners ofany securities containingany special 5.11 rights of control 218 Employee shareholdings 5.12 218 Shareholderagreements 5.13 218 Amendment ofCompany bylaws 5.14 218 Rules onconvening shareholders’ meetings 5.15 219 Powersof theBoard ofDirectors, inparticular, 5.16 for the issue or buyback of shares 221 Agreements enteredinto by theCompany which 5.17 are amendedor endin the event of a change of control 221 Dividends 5.18 222

Report bythe independent third partoyrganization 1.9 on the consolidatedstatementof extra-financial performance


2 Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance 61 The Boardof Directors 2.1 63 Special committeeos f theBoard ofDirectors 2.2 74 The DeputyChiefExecutiveOfficer 2.3 76 Compensationof the members of theBoard of 2.4 Directors and executivoefficers 77 Executiveofficers’ declaration concerning transactions 2.5 in the Company’shares 82 Related-partyagreements 2.6 83 Summary tableof the authorizationsgranted to 2.7 the Board of Directors btyhe shareholders’ meeting (Article L. 225-100of theFrench Commercial Code) 84 Factorslikely tohave animpactin the eventof a public 2.8 offering 84 Rules applicable toshareholder participation 2.9 in shareholdersm’ eetings 85 Independent auditors’pecial reporton related-party 2.10 agreements 86 3 Group management report 89 Significanteventsduringthe fiscal year 3.1 91 Earnings from businesseasnd financial position 3.2 94 Risk factors 3.3 106 Shareholderstructureand threshold crossing 3.4 113 Financialresultsfor the last fivefiscal years 3.5 115 Group organization charts 3.6 115 Statement ofextra-financial performance 3.7 122 Agenda anddraft resolutionsfor the shareholders' 3.8 combined generaml eetingof February 10, 2021 122

6 Further information


Person responsible fotrhe UniversalRegistration 6.1 Document Name ofthe person responsible fofrinancial 6.2 information


227 228 229 230 231

Statutory Auditors 6.3

Generalinformation abouDt erichebourg 6.4

Assessmentof the2019/2020 sharebuyback program 6.5 Presentationof the2020/2021sharebuybackprogram 6.6 Communicationwith institutional investorasnd 6.7 individual shareholders Information providedby third parties,statements 6.8 made by experts andeclarations ofinterests Concordance tablebetweenthe Derichebourg 6.10 UniversalRegistrationDocumentand the annual financial report Concordance tablebetweenthe Derichebourg 6.11 UniversalRegistrationDocumentand Annex 1and 2of Delegatted Regulation(EU) 2019/980of March14, 2019 Significantcontracts 6.9






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