DERICHEBOURG - Universal registration document 2019-2020


CSR report (serving as statement of extra-financial performance) Report by the independent third party organization on the consolidated statement of extra-financial performance

Appendix1: informationconsideredto be the most significant

Employee information

Quantitative information (including key performance indicators)

Qualitative information (actions or results)

Derichebourg employee work accident frequency rate (no./million hours worked) Frequency rate of workplace accidents affecting temporary workers

The rollout of the health and safety policy and the digital accident reporting tools Actions implemented for recruitment and skills management (annual interviews, internal mobility, HR Facility tool)

Number of fatal workplace accidents Fulfillment rate of annual interviews (managers and employees/technicians/supervisors) Average recruitment time Number of employees meeting job requirements (managers and employees/technicians/supervisors)

Environmental information

Quantitative information (including key performance indicators)

Qualitative information (actions or results)

Measures to limit the quantity of shredder residue and use of best available techniques Measures to reduce the energy consumption of handling and transport tools Soil and environmental protection measures

Fuel consumption for the recycling business (liters/100 km) Percentage of complaints from neighbors prior to processing (%) Percentage of shredder residue sent to sectors other than landfill (%)

Societal information

Quantitative information (including key performance indicators)

Qualitative information (actions or results)

Proportion of alerts received and processed (%) Average satisfaction rate for Multiservices customers

Deployment of the Anti-Corruption Code and ethics charter, training actions for employees exposed to instances of corruption

DERICHEBOURG p 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document 59

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