DERICHEBOURG - Universal registration document 2019-2020


CSR report (serving as statement of extra-financial performance) Overview of businesses and business model

Interventionsectors: industry: top-qualityindustrialcleaningand first level maintenance; p agrifood; p health; p pharmacy/cleanroomconditions; p serviceand administrativepremises; p retail; p residential,road, public transit services. p DerichebourgPropreté also has skills that enable it to provide handling and logistics services. Key figures2020: 18,000specialists; p 100 facilitiesacross France; p 10,000customers. p

DerichebourgÉnergie To add value to their assets and maximize operating profit, property managers must constantly seek to improve energy performancewhile ensuringthe reliabilityand sustainabilityof buildingsand their facilities. The occupants of their buildings should also benefit from the highest standardsof safety and comfort. Derichebourg Énergie constructs, operates and maintains on a long-termbasis air conditioningand electricalengineeringfacilities.The subsidiary offers a range of services ranging from mono-technicaland multi-technicalmaintenanceat fixed or temporarysites.

Its commitmentto providingpreventivemaintenanceensures the longevityof facilities.

Air conditioning engineering

Electrical engineering


Heating, air conditioning, ventilation, p refrigeration, climate control

High-voltage systems p Low-voltage systems p Climate control, programmable controllers p Electricity back-up p

Air conditioning, ventilation, heating p High-voltage, low-voltage systems p Plumbing, fire protection p Finishing works p Delegated contract management p

Aeraulics, hydraulics p Processing of fluids p Plumbing p

DerichebourgAeronautics Services is involved in aircraft assembly and quality inspection. It is a major subcontractor in the aeronautics sector and offers a complete range of turnkey services ranging from manufacturing engineeringto deliverysupport.

Solutions for Industry These solutions include all services in which the businessesare involved at the center of customer production processes, mainly in the aeronauticsector.

Aeronautical industry support

Aerial operations support

Industrial processes p Assembly/manufacturing p Delivery assistance p Ground support services p

Navigability management p Customer representation & delivery support p Aircraft transitions p Training & knowledge transfer p

Key figures2020: operates in five countries:France, Spain, Germany,UnitedStates and China; p 1,500 employees. p

DERICHEBOURG p 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document 25

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