DERICHEBOURG - Universal registration document 2019-2020


Financial statements Consolidated financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2020, in compliance with IFRS

Responsibilities ofthe independentauditors related tothe audit ofthe consolidated financialstatements Purposeof audit and approach p It is our responsibility to prepare a report on the consolidated financial statements. Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance that the consolidatedfinancial statements taken as a whole do not contain any material misstatements.Reasonableassurancecorrespondsto a high level of assurance but does not guarantee that an audit performed in accordancewith the standards of professional practice can systematicallydetect any material misstatements.Misstatementsmay arise from fraud or error and are consideredsignificantwhere it can reasonablybe expected that they, taken individuallyor cumulatively,may influencethe economicdecisionsthat users of the financial statementsmake based on them. As stated in Article L. 823-10-1of the French CommercialCode, our mission to certify the financial statementsdoes not consist of guaranteeingthe viabilityor qualityof the Company’smanagement. As part of an audit conducted in accordancewith the professional standards applicable in France, an independentauditor shall exercise his or her professionaljudgmentthroughoutthis audit.Moreover: he or she shall identify and assess the risks that the consolidatedfinancial statements contain material misstatements,whether due to fraud or ● error, define and implement audit procedures to address those risks and collect information it considers sufficient and appropriate to form its opinion. The risk that a significantanomalydue to fraud will not be detected is higher than for a significantanomalydue to an error, as the fraud may involvecollusion,falsification,voluntaryomissions,misrepresentationor circumventionof internal controls; he or she shall review the internal controls relevant to the audit in order to define appropriateaudit proceduresunder the circumstances,not to ● expressan opinionon the effectivenessof the internal controls; he or she shall assess the appropriatenessof accountingmethodsused and the reasonablenessof the accountingestimatesmade by management, ● as well as the informationconcerningthemprovidedin the consolidatedfinancial statements; he or she shall assess the appropriatenessof management’s application of the going concern accounting convention and, depending on the ● evidence gathered, the existence or non-existenceof significant uncertainty related to events or circumstances that may call into question the Company’sability to continueas a going concern. Such assessmentshall be based on the informationgatheredup to the date of its report, but it should be noted that subsequent circumstancesor events could jeopardize the continuity of operations. If he or she concludes that there is a significant uncertainty,he or she shall draw the attention of his or her report’s readers to the informationprovided in the consolidatedfinancial statementsabout this uncertaintyor, if this informationis not providedor is not relevant, he or she formulatesa qualifiedcertificationor a refusal to certify; he or she shall assess the overall presentationof the consolidatedfinancial statementsand evaluatewhether the consolidatedfinancial statements ● reflect the underlyingtransactionsand events in such a way as to give a true and fair view thereof; concerningthe financial informationof the persons or entities included in the scope of consolidation,he or she shall collect informationthat he or ● she deems sufficient and appropriate to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. He or she shall be responsible for the management,supervisionand performanceof the audit of the consolidatedfinancial statementsas well as the opinion expressedon said financial statements. report to the Audit Committee p We are submitting to the Audit Committee a report that outlines the scope of the audit and the working program put in place, as well as the conclusionsresulting from our work. We also disclose, where appropriate,the significantweaknessesin the internal controls that we have identified with respect to the proceduresrelatingto the preparationand processingof accountingand financial information. Among the items disclosed in the report to the Audit Committee are the risks of material misstatement, which we deem to have been most significant for the audit of the consolidatedfinancial statements for the year and, as a result, constitute the key points of the audit, which it is our responsibilityto describein this report. We also provide the Audit Committeewith the declarationdescribed in Article 6 of regulation (EU) No. 537-2014confirmingour independence,as describedin the rules applicablein France as set forth in particular in Articles L. 822-10to L. 822-14of the FrenchCommercialCode and the code of ethics for the independentauditor profession.As needed, we discuss with the Audit Committeethe risks that may affect our independenceand the safeguardingmeasuresapplied.

Paris, Paris and Paris-LaDéfense,December 10,2020

The independentauditors




Eric Seyvos

Clarence Vergote

Pierre Abily

DERICHEBOURG p 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document 185

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