Derichebourg // 2020-2021 Universal Registration Document


Extra-financial performance Reducing the Group’s environmental footprint

Assisting customers 3.4.2

to the highest colorimetry and light loss standards reduces light pollution directed towards the sky, reducing the impact of public lighting on biodiversity while again improving energy consumption. The service offered by Derichebourg Énergie E.P. meets the needs of local authorities to reduce their operating budgets and their environmental impacts and is based upon using the most advanced technologies: high energy efficiency streetlights, power variations and photovoltaic and wind energy sources. The material resources used also contribute to the objective of energy efficiency. These include electric vehicles and lifts, reconnaissance studies using light UAVs, optimizing maintenance rounds to minimize the environmental impact, etc. Finally, Derichebourg Énergie E.P. is a recognized player in new electric mobility through the installation, maintenance and supervision of networks of charging stations for electric vehicles (IRVE accreditation (1) ), helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the French vehicle fleet. The improvement in overall energy consumption obtained for customers at the end of September 2021 since the start of the agreements is 15% on average for Derichebourg Énergie and 83% for Derichebourg Énergie E.P. This high rate for Derichebourg Énergie E.P. is explained by the full replacement of lights carried out by this business. LE STUDIO LED (LSL), a subsidiary of the Multiservices division, designs innovative LEDs tailored to the end customer’s needs thanks to upstream analysis of its environment and its economic and CSR objectives. LSL selects components to attain performance levels that are higher than market standards in terms of their lifespans, in particular, L90B10 (2) , and which have a lighting performance of up to 160 lm/W. An innovative fleet management technology has been developed with the aim of adjusting the light to real user needs and thus reducing energy consumption, whilst providing improved comfort and services to users or the operator. Its skills and expertise were recognized by the OPQIBI (engineering certification body) in 2020, which certified the company as “RGE – Études d’éclairage intérieur” (environmental protection compliant), a qualification that allows it to approve subsidy files for Energy Savings Certificates and further set itself apart as meeting the needs of its customers and partners. Derichebourg Propreté has also extended its service offering by supporting its customers in implementing sorting solutions for different waste types. This service provides the customer with a single contact point for their office cleaning services, ensuring that its waste is traceable and recoverable. These are mainly commercial waste and bio-waste. By becoming an accredited expert for the Global Climate Initiative, Derichebourg Multiservices is able to offer its customers a carbon neutral service. This offer consists of measuring greenhouse gas emissions from the business activity on the customer site, reducing them and offsetting irreducible emissions.

with their green transition The nature of its business means that Derichebourg Multiservices consumes few raw materials. Nevertheless, the services that it offers incorporate the implementation of solutions that enable their environmental impacts to be reduced. Derichebourg Multiservices incorporates into its business processes equipment featuring water and energy saving technologies. For example, the Cleaning business uses hyper-concentrated products and adapted dosing systems to reduce waste at source. Finally, Derichebourg Propreté ensures that it encourages the use of chemical products with eco-labeling: enzyme products, with eco-labeling or the result of hydrolysis and ionized water solutions. 74.2% of products used over the period from January 1 to September 30, 2021 are part of the eco-responsible range. In their green space maintenance activities, Derichebourg Propreté and Derichebourg Espaces Verts aim to offer alternative solutions to reduce the amount of phytopharmaceutical products used. One of Derichebourg Multiservices’ objectives is to support its customers in improving their environmental performance. Derichebourg Énergie, Derichebourg Énergie E.P. (Public Lighting) and Derichebourg Propreté subsidiaries are therefore developing their services in line with this objective. Derichebourg Énergie is positioned as a partner in improving the energy performance of its customers’ assets by generating 13.3% of its revenue from services activities specializing in the energy performance of buildings and installation, maintenance and repair of instruments for measuring, regulating and controlling energy performance. This subsidiary supports its customers in implementing their High Environmental Quality (HEQ) program ISO 50001 (energy management) and offers them energy performance agreements (including incentive-based packages). Special reports are set up and monitored by an energy efficiency body. A digital energy monitoring platform is also used which provides consultation of consumption/comfort data in real time, detects deviations and implements energy performance action plans. This tool, which is shared with customers and operational teams, makes it possible to involve all stakeholders and to continue energy management during lockdown. The Derichebourg Énergie subsidiary assists its customers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, primarily by advising them on eliminating refrigerants with high global warming potential by replacing or retrofitting refrigeration units that use this type of refrigerant. Derichebourg Énergie E.P. is a significant player in the Île-de-France region in the public lighting renovation market, and to this end uses LED technology and develops contracts with a high energy performance component. This solution allows rapid reductions in energy bills and in the cost of contracts with energy suppliers and also a substantial reduction in maintenance cost. In addition, the upgrading

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure. (1) Indicator of the lifespan of the LEDs. (2)

DERICHEBOURG 2020/2021 Universal Registration Document 72

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