Derichebourg // 2020-2021 Universal Registration Document


and accounting information Consolidated financial statements at September 30, 2021 Notes

Details of commitments received 4.26.2 Confirmed lines of credit not used as of September 30, 2021:

release land, transfer it to the public-private partnership and transfer their business to a nearby site. Conventionally, the financial obligation for decontamination was limited to decontamination for industrial, non-sensitive use, on the basis of preliminary studies showing a low decontamination cost. AFM Recyclage has built the planned new site and started its activity there, while retaining a metal cutting activity on its former site. On the basis of more in-depth surveys, the site appears to be more polluted than predicted (soil and groundwater). With this in mind, the local authority opted not to renew earlier agreements. The DREAL (Regional Directorate for Environment, Planning and Housing) carried out an on-site inspectioo. The inspection report was released in May 2021, alongside an order setting out additional requirements. AFM Recyclage conducted the soil and groundwater studies set out by this order. However, the management plan has not yet been completed. This plan is required before the decontamination (industrial, for business continuity) can be costed. AFM Recyclage has recognized a provision of €3 million to cover the decontamination cost. The agreements are null and void, and to date there have been no discussions with the public-private partnership on the disposal of the land. Litigation with the buyer of DSIN: on September 27, 2019, Derichebourg Multiservices Holding sold shares in DSIN to the company DNUC, specialized in nuclear services, with effect from October 1, 2019. The sale comprised the sale of shares and a current account receivable, the price of which was dependent on the balances of certain balance sheet items as of September 30, 2019. The buyer is contesting the sale price offered by the seller. Given the ongoing dispute which primarily relates to the value of certain trade receivables, the parties have not yet reached an agreement on the final sale price of the current account receivable. In December 2020, DSIN requested a safeguard procedure to protect against any consequences of customer claims due to partial non-performance or poor performance of contractual services, and the resulting harm caused. During the fiscal year, the buyer filed a legal action claiming that the seller had failed to disclose certain information under the sales contract. It is seeking the sum of €6.5 million, together with costs, from the seller to cover the receivable amount provided by the third party as part of the safeguard procedure. The seller maintains that it sent all of the information it possessed on the contract to the buyer, as part of its due diligence process. It also claims that there is no evidence to support the damages set out by the third party, which exceeds the limit under the contract, and that this claim should therefore be dismissed under the procedure opened for DSIN. Other than those linked to the opening of the safeguard procedure, no other consequence of the various receivables held by the Group’s companies (€1.1 million impairment of receivables) has been drawn in the financial statements of September 30, 2021, as the Group deems these claims to be unfounded. Action brought by the owner of land adjacent to a site operated by the Group in Condette: in June 2020, the Revival subsidiary, which represents the rights of the company STRAP, was sued by the French real estate company which owns the land adjacent to the site which the Group operates in Condette (Pas de Calais). The company claims that the latter has illegally buried waste there, and is claiming €27 million for the alleged decontamination costs (including the related landfill taxes).

bilateral line – Germany: €3.0 million; ● bilateral line – Belgium: €12.5 million; ● bilateral line – Spain: €19 million; ● bilateral line – United States: $5 million; ● bilateral line – Portugal: €3.4 million; ● revolving loan (syndicated loan): €100 million. ● Retention bonds: €1.8 million.

Significant litigation 4.27 Belgium 4.27.1

A tax audit was conducted on the Belgian subsidiary Derichebourg Belgium relating to the identification of suppliers of metals and ferrous scraps for the fiscal years 2006 to 2010. In November 2017, the Mons Appeal Court considered that the Company had not adhered to the law concerning identification of the VAT of suppliers and rejected the deduction of purchase invoices deemed non-compliant. This led to the payment of tax increases on a temporary basis, for €6 million, recorded as an expense during the 2017 fiscal year. The Company has appealed to the Court of Cassation. On September 17, 2020, the Belgian Court of Cassation overturned the grounds of the decision of the Mons Appeal Court and referred the case back to the Liège Appeal Court. The review of the appeal is expected in 2022. No conclusions have been drawn in the financial statements, pending the decision of the Liège Appeal Court. France 4.27.2 In June 2018, several subsidiaries in the Household Waste Collection business were jointly ordered by the lower court to pay €3.7 million to entities in the Veolia Group, after a judgment by the Paris Commercial Court in proceedings relating to the terms of personnel transfer in 2014 after the Veolia Group took over household waste collection in the 11 th and 19 th arrondissements of Paris from the subsidiary Polyurbaine. The Group had appealed against this judgment. The appeal judgment of March 2020 was favorable to the Group. The amount of €3.7 million paid to Veolia in 2018 was repaid during the 2019-2020 fiscal year and recorded in non-recurring profit. Veolia has appealed to the Court of Cassation. The Group is often subject to Urssaf (French social security body) audits on its services activities. The subsidiary Derichebourg Aeronautics Service France was audited in the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Following this audit, the subsidiary made a provision in the amount of €1.5 million corresponding to a likely adjustment. It is contesting an unfunded amount of €3.2 million for meal allowances that were not subjected to social security charges, because it considers this adjustment to be unfounded. Derichebourg SA and the subsidiary AFM Recyclage (as the final operator) entered into an agreement with a public-private partnership representing the local authority in 2012, which was renewed in 2018 and 2019. Under this agreement, they would

DERICHEBOURG 2020/2021 Universal Registration Document 177

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