Derichebourg // 2020-2021 Universal Registration Document


Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance Rules applicable to shareholder participation in General Meetings

Rules applicable to shareholder participation 4.9 in General Meetings

Subject to any adjustments that may again be necessary in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic and measures allowing the General Meeting to be held behind closed doors for a temporary period, Article 28 of the Company bylaws explains the terms and conditions for participation of shareholders in the General Meeting. “Every shareholder is entitled to attend General Meetings or to be represented thereat, regardless of the number of shares held, provided that all amounts payable on shares are fully paid up. All shareholders may be represented by another shareholder, by their spouse or by the partner with whom he/she has signed a civil solidarity pact (pacte civil de solidarité). He/she may also be represented by any other individual or legal entity of his/her choice. A proxy can be granted for a single meeting only. A proxy can be granted for two meetings, one ordinary and one extraordinary, if they are both held on the same day or within a period of fifteen days of each other. The proxy shall be valid for all successive meetings convened with the same agenda. All shareholders shall be entitled to vote by mail, in accordance with the requirements set by the legislation and regulations currently in effect. The Company shall include the information required by the laws currently in effect with all proxy forms and mail ballots that it sends to shareholders. The owners of shares that are not domiciled in France may be represented by an intermediary registered in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the legislation and regulations currently in effect. In the event of a division of the ownership rights in a share, the

holder of the right to vote may attend or be represented at the meeting without prejudice to the right of the beneficial owner to participate at all General Meetings. Joint shareholders may be represented as specified in Article 12. However, the right to participate in General Meetings shall be conditioned on the registration of the name of the shareholder or of the registered intermediary described hereinabove in the registered share accounts maintained by the Company or its agent, or in the bearer accounts maintained by the approved intermediary, on the second working day prior to the General Meeting at zero hours (Paris time). The registration of securities within the time period stipulated in the previous paragraph must be carried out either in the registered share accounts maintained by the Company, or in the bearer accounts maintained by the approved intermediary. These formalities must be carried out under the conditions set by current legislation. Every shareholder who owns shares of a particular class shall be entitled to participate in the shareholders’ special meetings for such class, in accordance with the requirements specified hereinabove. For the purposes of calculating the quorum and the majority, shareholders who participate in the General Meeting by videoconference or by means of telecommunications allowing them to be identified and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations shall be considered present, provided the Board of Directors has decided on the use of such means of participation before the General Meeting was convened.”

DERICHEBOURG 2020/2021 Universal Registration Document 121

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