Compagnies des Alpes // 2019 Universal Registration Document

4 STATEMENT OF NON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Report by the independent third-party body on the consolidated statement of non-financial performance appearing in the management report

Conclusion Based on our work, we found no material misstatement that would call into question the compliance of the statement of non- fi nancial performance with the applicable regulatory provisions and we consider the information, taken as a whole, is presented fairly, in compliance with the Standards. Comments Without calling into question the foregoing conclusion and in accordance with the provisions of Article A. 225-3 of the French Commercial Code, we make the following comments: l The Group gives broad autonomy to the subsidiaries in the conduct of business. The policies relating to the main risks in labour matters are not de fi ned at the level of the Group but at the level of each subsidiary in view of their context and their business activity. The Group de fi ned a common base for policies with regard to environmental and societal risks, but the subsidiaries retain substantial autonomy for applying and implementing them. The commitments, resources implemented, organisation as well as the main actions can thus be noticeably di ff erent among the subsidiaries.

Paris La Défense, 27 January 2020

The independent third party

Edwige REY


CSR & Sustainable Development Partner


Compagnie des Alpes I 2019 Universal registration document

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