Compagnie des Alpes // 2021 Universal Registration Document


employees in the workforce. Moreover, despite the specific nature of the working environments in the Ski areas and Leisure parks, some sites adapt and organise work stations to enable them to welcome and employ disabled workers and keep these workers in employment. In this financial year, there were 153 employees with disabilities. Health and safety at work guarantee Employee health and safety at work is one of the cornerstones of the Compagnie des Alpes labour policy. Every year, we take steps to ensure that the conditions are right for our employees to be healthy and safe. This important issue is addressed by various actions being rolled out within the Group in a decentralised manner. Each site decides on the most appropriate initiatives for its particular activity. Workplace safety training represented a total of 20,355 hours during the financial year, or 44% of all training provided. The Group is committed to a strong approach in this area in order to continue its efforts to reduce occupational accidents.

We thought about how we could proactively target a figure of 5% work- study trainees in our total headcount by 2022 (irrespective of the legal requirements applicable to our local sites) by forging partnerships with schools and supporting training initiatives to encourage young people to consider working in one of our business segments. At Parc Astérix, for example, we focused on partnerships with schools in the hotel and catering sector to develop this activity at the site. This target of 5% work-study trainees in our headcount was achieved in advance three years ago, significantly exceeding this target by more than 8.8% of work-study trainees in our headcount in 2020/2021*. We are continuing our investments to ensure we maintain this figure in the years to come. To help us achieve our job integration target at our headquarters, for several years we have been providing support until graduation to employees who combine work and training. Around 10 students preparing for a variety of diplomas, such as strategy and mergers/ acquisitions, accounting/management, catering, human resources or audit/internal control, were welcomed in several Holdings and supports during the 2020/2021 financial year. Within the Ski areas, work-study contracts focus on technical activities, human resources and retail, with a total of 52 work-study students in this financial year. Within the Leisure parks, we recorded a growth of 173% this year, with more than 173 work-study trainees taking part in their schooling while developing their professional skills, notably in catering, hotel, management and sales. Thanks to our efforts in this area, we are able to help young people enter the workforce and plan ahead by identifying the talent and potential employees we need to meet the current and future needs of our business segments. and integration into the employment market Through these various training, career security and integration measures, diversity is at the heart of the Group’s concerns, which is working to integrate different priority groups into the workforce. For example, we have introduced parallel initiatives with associations to help the unemployed enter the job market. Compagnie des Alpes’ focus is on helping young people make the transition from school to work. Parc Astérix and Walibi Rhône-Alpes regularly welcome young people from Sport dans la Ville as part of a structured programme. Because we are in the leisure business, this is the focus of our initiatives to attract young people, introduce them to our business segments and organisations and help them in their careers. Parc Astérix is continuing its commitment through the Hope initiative, which aims to integrate migrant people. All of our sites are tasked with promoting professional integration from a range of initiatives proposed by CDA to promote diversity within the Group. The Group is committed to equal opportunities and consequently does not discriminate on any grounds, including disability. Many sites in fact regularly educate their employees about the benefits of having disabled Committing to diversity in the Group










Severity rate

Frequency rate









Severity rate Frequency rate

In compliance with the law of 31 December 1991 and the decree of 5 November 2001, professional risk evaluation documents (personnel health and safety) are compiled and updated regularly on French sites. They list all the occupational risks that employees may face, as well as action plans aimed at reducing risk exposure. Each accident is analysed and corrective action is taken. Each company is in charge of creating the single document for risk evaluation, and of updating it. This applies to all sectors, all reporting levels, and all employees, regardless of their status. All Group companies regularly exchange information about their experience feedback. All documents have been updated in line with the health crisis. A protocol was drafted specifying all the rules and measures taken in connection with Covid-19 (capacity gauges of employees present in the premises, teleworking, wearing of equipment, cleaning, isolation procedure, etc.) We raised awareness among managers and teleworking employees on the right to disconnect and remote management in order to combat the risks of overload and isolation. For the past three years, we have set up an external listening and psychological support platform.


Compagnie des Alpes I 2021 Universal registration document

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