Compagnie des Alpes // 2021 Universal Registration Document


Composition of administrative and management bodies

Director representing employees

BENOÎT SPRIET MAIN POSITION: DIRECTOR OF PROJECTS AND ARTISTIC CREATIONS AT COMPAGNIE DES ALPES BUSINESS ADDRESS: COMPAGNIE DES ALPES, 50-52 BOULEVARD HAUSSMANN – 75009 PARIS Graduate with a DUT in mechanical and production engineering from the University of Lille 1 in 1988 and a DUEGE (university degree in business management) from IAE Lille in 1992, Benoit Spriet joined the Group in 2005, since then, where he served as Director of Grévin Production, then General Manager of Productions du Parc and finally Director of Artistic Projects and Creations at CDA Développement. Director elected by employees on 16 August 2021 - End of term of office: 2025 Other mandates and duties:

Director representing employees Born on 2 August 1965 A French national The Director representing employees is not subject to any shareholding obligations.

Mandates previously held that have expired during the last five years: P Full Member and Treasurer of the Social and Economic Council (until November 2021); P Alternate member of the Works Council and representative of the Works Council on the Board of Directors (until October 2018).

P Deputy Chief Executive Officer of CDA Productions. Other offices and positions outside the CDA professional associations: P Member of TEA (theme entertainment association)’s European Board.

Non-voting member


Jacques Maillot holds a degree in law and is the founding President of Nouvelles Frontières. As an Independent member of the Supervisory Board of Compagnie des Alpes and subsequently of its Board of Directors, he served as an independent Director at the Company until March 2013, in addition to his duties as Chairman of the Appointments and Compensation Committee and member of the Strategy Committee. With his considerable experience of the leisure industry and more than fifteen years of service on the Boards and committees of Compagnie des Alpes, Jacques Maillot continues to support all these bodies, without voting rights, as a non voting member. Renewed as non-voting member on 25 March 2021 (first appointment in 2013) - End of term of office: 2025 Other mandates and duties:

Non-voting member Born on 17 November 1941 A French national Number of CDA shares held: 837

Mandates previously held that have expired during the last five years: P None.

P Non-voting member of Voyageurs du Monde (2); P President of the association Feu Vert pour le Développement.

(1) Jacques Maillot has informed the Chairman of the Board of Directors of his forthcoming resignation as non-voting member with effect from the opening of the meeting of the Board of Directors following the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be called on 10 March 2022 to approve the financial statements for the financial year ended 30 September 2021, which will decide on his replacement. At its meeting of 19 January 2022, the Board of Directors decided that, following the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, it would appoint Stéphanie Fougou as a non-voting member, to replace Jacques Maillot and that she would be invited to the Appointments and Compensation Committee in view of her skills and career path. A lawyer who is a graduate of the Paris Bar, she began her career in 1998 at the production company France Animation (Caisse des Dépôts Group), before joining Orange, where she held the position of Deputy Group General Counsel. Since 2011, she has served as General Secretary of listed companies undergoing transformation in various sectors (Club Méditerranée, Vallourec, Accor, Ingenico/Worldline) and since early 2021, EPI IC, dedicated to the launch of a pan- European payment solution. Stephanie Fougou also served as Chairwoman of the French association of corporate lawyers (AFJE) from 2014 to 2019. She has been a Director and Chair of the Institut Pasteur Appointments and Compensation Committee since 2019. (2) Listed company.


Compagnie des Alpes I 2021 Universal registration document

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