Compagnie des Alpes // 2021 Universal Registration Document


Consolidated financial statements

l SCV Domaine Skiable – Serre Chevalier: Concession granted by the municipality of Saint-Chaffrey for the management and operation of the new ski lifts and the ski area for the period from 1 December 2004 to 30 August 2034 (30 years). Concession granted by the Syndicat Intercommunal de Gestion et d’Exploitation des Domaines d’Hiver et d’Été de Serre Chevalier 1400- 1500 (SIGED, grouping of several municipalities) on 14 December 2017 for the operation of ski lifts and ski runs for the period from 1 November 2017 to 31 October 2047 (30 years). Concession granted by the Syndicat Intercommunal à Vocation Unique (single-purpose grouping of municipalities) of Prorel for the operation and management of the Massif du Prorel facilities for the period from 15 December 2006 to 31 October 2034. l Société de Téléphérique de Val d'Isère (STVI) - Val d'Isère: Concession granted on 12 May 2082 by the municipality of Val d’Isère, initially for a period of 30 years (expiring 11 May 2012), extended in 1991 for 8 years (until July 2020), and again in 2014 for a period of 12 years (until July 2032). Concession granted in September 1970 by the municipality of Bonneval s/Arc, initially for a period of 30 years, extended by several successive amendments until 31 October 2021. As part of a new consultation launched by the municipality of Bonneval s/Arc last August, the STVI won the tender and a new concession agreement for the operation of the Pisaillas sector was agreed for a period of 3 years until 31 October 2024. Concession signed on 5 December 2013 with the municipality of Chamonix for the Chamonix ski areas for a 40-year period ending 5 December 2053. Concession signed on 6 January 1989 with the municipality of Chamonix for Aiguille du Midi for a 40-year period ending 31 December 2028. Concessions for the operation of the Tramway du Mont-Blanc and the Train du Montenvers granted by the department of Haute-Savoie in 1988 and 1998 for 30- and 25-year periods ending, respectively, on 31 December 2018 (extended until 31 May 2020) and on 31 December 2023. The Mont-Blanc Tramway concession was renewed from 1 June 2020 for a period of 15 years until June 2035. Concession for the operation of Les Houches/Saint-Gervais (through its 72.5%-owned subsidiary, LHSG) for a 30-year period from 1 December 2011 to 30 November 2041. l Société des Remontées Mécaniques de Megève (SRMM) - Megève: Concession for the operation of the downstream sector Princesse, signed on 10 December 2002 by the municipality of Demi-Quartier, for a 30-year period ending on 9 December 2032. Concession for the Crêtes du Mont d’Arbois and the upstream sector Princesse, signed on 10 March 1989 by the municipality of Saint- Gervais, for a 30-year period ending on 9 March 2019 and extended by an additional clause until 2023. Concession for Mont d’Arbois and Rocharbois, signed on 15 April 1993 by the municipality of Megève, for a 30-year period ending on 14 April 2023. Concession granted on 15 April 1993 by the municipality of Megève for Rochebrune for a period of 30 years, ending on 14 April 2023. An amendment was signed on 21 June 2016, extending the contract for a period of ten years until 14 April 2033. The agreements of equity affiliates are as follows: l Compagnie du Mont-Blanc (CMB) – Chamonix:

l Société d’Exploitation des Remontées Mécaniques de Morzine Avoriaz (SERMA) - Morzine/Avoriaz: The company operates a concession granted by the municipality of Morzine, which runs to 13 June 2032, and a concession granted by the

municipality of Montriond, which runs to 13 June 2032. l Domaine Skiable de Valmorel (DSV) – Valmorel:

The company operates a concession granted by the Communauté de Communes de la Vallée d’Aigueblanche (grouping of several municipalities), which runs to 30 September 2052. l Domaine Skiable de La Rosière (DSR) - La Rosière: The company operates a concession granted by the Commune de la Rosière, which runs to 30 September 2039. Pursuant to these agreements, and depending on the case, the operating companies either pay a concession fee or a municipal tax and departmental tax (known as the “Mountain Law tax”), or both. These fees and levies are based on sales of ski lift passes and calculated as a contract-specific percentage. Some contracts may provide for a fixed minimum fee (over all or part of the contract period); in this case, they have been restated as part of IFRS 16. By way of exception within the CDA group, the municipalities of Saint- Martin de Belleville, Val d’Isère and Tignes retain responsibility for the ski run service, for which SEVABEL, STVI and STGM pay a special fee. Moreover, under the different contracts signed by the Group, CDA subsidiaries may enter into agreements on investment budgets. Such agreements are variable and can be reviewed, mainly with regard to their term, amount and nature, depending on the contract and implementation opportunities. In light of certain lease contracts signed by the Leisure parks, these investment budget agreements may concern all of the Group’s subsidiaries. Real estate development concessions l ADS has concessions for real estate development granted by the municipality of Bourg-Saint-Maurice. l Through its 99.9%-owned subsidiary, SCIVABEL, SEVABEL also holds the development concession for ZAC de Reberty at Les Menuires. l GMDS, with its 99.99%-owned subsidiary Société d’Aménagement Arve-Giffre (SAG), also owns land in Flaine in the Grand Massif. This real-estate company is managed under a tourism-development arrangement with the Syndicat Intercommunal de Flaine (grouping of several municipalities). The projected development costs are recognised pro rata to the building permits sold, upon signing of the deed of sale. Leisure park concessions l Concession for the highway interchange giving access to Parc Astérix: Parc Astérix has a private interchange from the A1 motorway giving access to the park: this concession was granted by SANEF (concessionary company of the A1 motorway) for a period of 99 years (from 1987 to 2086). The right to operate this concession is accounted for as an intangible asset of Grévin & Cie (see Note 6.2), which pays a fee to SANEF for the passage of each vehicle through the toll plaza. This fee corresponds to the highway toll that is not paid when vehicles use the Parc Astérix interchange.


Compagnie des Alpes I 2021 Universal registration document

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