Compagnie des Alpes // 2021 Universal Registration Document


In both business segments, more frequent and more intense extreme physical events will impact on the periods of opening and prevention, maintenance and repair costs. Two Belgian sites had to close their doors for several months due to flooding in 2021, following extreme rainfall.

In the medium term, the sites will also have to meet regulatory demands for the renovation of commercial buildings, and support new low-carbon mobility to ensure easy access to facilities. Thanks to the support of ADEME Hauts-de-France, Parc Astérix is the first French leisure park to have completed a study on adaptation to climate change in accordance with the ISO 14090 standard in 2021 and to have formalised a specific action plan.

4.4.2 POSITION OURSELVES AS A TRUSTWORTHY PLAYER IN THE EYES OF OUR STAKEHOLDERS Safety/security measures For the Group, the security and integrity of its employees and customers are priorities (see also section Section 2.3.3. Risks of Bodily Injury describes the types of checks on infrastructures and the safety levels of themed items sold in Leisure parks stores. Before the start of each season, forums are organised to welcome new employees and distribute as necessary booklets or welcome guides that set out these priorities. Training is dispensed on customer hospitality and safety and also operational procedures, preventive measures (movement and postures, working at heights, using chemical products, etc.), and procedures to follow in the event of an incident. In addition to all these practices, Group companies undertake specific preventive measures, such as the development of quiet or family skiing areas, safety measures for embarking the chair lift (ESF agreement, elevators for children, carpet, school at headquarters, installing guard rails, anti-submarining seat safety measures, etc.), raising awareness about the risk of avalanches and the use of victim detection equipment (ARVA Park, for instance), pictograms and reminders of conduct and behaviour on the attractions, and enhanced monitoring of the operators. In the specific health context of the 2019/2020 financial year, the Group has deployed specific management of the situation by appointing a Covid contact person at each site, as well as a structure for coordinating the focal points and reporting at Group level. These structures were intended to share regulatory or business information, organise the ordering and receipt of equipment (masks, hydroalcoholic gel, etc.), harmonise operational procedures and teleworking rules, and produce customer charters and videos for customers and videos for internal prevention, as well as reporting on operational implementation difficulties and making the required adjustments. The experts of the CDA Group participated in the development of the protocols of the various segments. In addition, five of the Group’s sites also have ISO 9001 quality certification. Monitoring and managing customer satisfaction Monitoring customer satisfaction is a key priority for each employee and is directly linked to the strategic objective of obtaining Very High Satisfaction scores. Through our very regular surveys we can gauge customer opinion and take steps to make improvements. We have developed extremely comprehensive interactive processes and methodologies to enable us to identify what improves customer satisfaction and what spoils the

experience. Equally, our service design initiatives enable us to observe and listen to our customers. In short, the Group is using innovative ways to help it understand the customer experience. The satisfaction ratings are regularly reviewed by each team and also Executive Management and the Executive Committee (Comex), either on a business segment or facility-by-facility basis. Today, the Group can prove that very high customer satisfaction really does improve competitiveness. Finally, certain companies have directly undertaken actions to raise awareness of disability and improve access for people with a disability. Futuroscope has the national Tourism & Handicap certification (label national Tourisme et Handicap ) for people with motor disability, mental disorders and hearing impairment. Data security measures To combat cyber risks and meet its data protection obligations, the Group has equipped itself with specific action plans which are reviewed at least once a year by the Risk Committees (cyber security action plan) and the Audit and Finance Committee (Reporting and GDPR action plans). The Group has structured itself around a DPO (Data Protection Owner) network, responsible for implementing the actions at each entity, and a further two specific action plans carried at Group level by the IT Systems Department and the Legal Department. The actions will be supplemented by intrusion audits conducted as part of either the internal audit plan or the IT tracking process. The Group monitors an indicator relating to the number of personal data breaches following incidents ( e.g. loss of PC, phishing, ransomware, etc.), and notifies the competent authorities ( e.g. CNIL in France) of data breaches if they present a risk to the rights and freedoms of the persons concerned. During the past financial year, the Compagnie des Alpes Group did not report any data breaches to the supervisory authorities. Involvement with local communities This chapter provides a few examples of the many initiatives taken by the sites to demonstrate their involvement with local communities. Local dialogue Regular meetings are held with the different stakeholders to take account of their needs and expectations, improve dialogue and collaborate on collective solutions or actions as needed: public partners, socio-professional partners and associations. Group subsidiaries are present or active in local associations, both those related to the environment, and owner and neighbour associations.


Compagnie des Alpes I 2021 Universal registration document

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