Compagnie des Alpes // 2021 Universal Registration Document


Economic impact of Futuroscope

Economic impact of Parc Astérix

l 1 direct job at Futuroscope supports 0.9 additional jobs in Vienne, 1.2 in Nouvelle Aquitaine and 3.2 in France . l The Park’s activities contribute €78 million to Vienne’s GDP and €159 million to France’s GDP. l Futuroscope buys 74% of its goods and services made in France, spending €52 million of which €29 million in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region. It spends €25 million with 192 SMEs in Vienne.

l Parc Astérix injected €100 million into the French economy in 2017/2018, including €77 million from purchases, €21 million in terms of its payroll and €2 million in taxes. l This in turn generated wealth (GDP) of €182 million in the French economy, €87 million of which in the Hauts de France Region and €63 million in the greater Paris region (Île-de-France). l The Park’s activities sustained 3,327 jobs in France, 815 of which were direct and 1,282 indirect in the supplier chain. l Parc Astérix bought goods or services amounting to €52 million made in Hauts de France and Île de France combined, which equated to 61% of its total purchases.

Parc Astérix (1)

Futuroscope (2)




Number of direct jobs



Job multipliers supported in France (1 direct support job x additional jobs in France)

X 3.1

X 3.2

Value creation (GDP) in France (direct and indirect) Percentage of purchases irrigating the French economy Percentage of purchases irrigating the region’s economy





Hauts-de-France and Île-de-France 61%

Nouvelle Aquitaine 41%

(1) 2019 survey. (2) 2016 survey. Investing in the attractiveness of sites and getting involved with social-economic players Investing

Impact of our catalyst effect on the tourist offering - in reference year excluding pandemic In addition, our sites are true centres of tourist attraction, generating almost 23 million visits to the regions over the financial year (over 23 million in 2018/2019). Their business activities therefore benefit shops, transport, accommodation, cafés and restaurants and, more broadly, other socioeconomic players in the tourism ecosystem. The catalyst effect is particularly marked in the Ski areas business. l For example, for every euro a skier spends on the ski lifts, they spend another seven at the resort (2012 Contours study). On this basis, we can estimate that around €2.6 billion of France’s GDP comes from expenditure by the skiers and their fellow travellers at our six Tarentaise resorts. This equates to €2.1 billion of GDP generated in AURA and €1.4 billion in Savoie, due to the catalytic effect of our activity. l Lastly, through the quality of the facilities and services, these resorts contribute to the tourism reach of France, both for national and European tourism. Based on a survey focusing on overnight stays in business beds in the 2018/19 season, French and European people from ten neighbouring countries accounted for more than 93% of business overnight stays in mountain resorts.

Each year, Compagnie des Alpes invests vast sums in the appeal of their resorts and leisure parks. This massive investment in our tools and equipment helps to maintain and grow the dynamic of the tourist ecosystems in which we operate. You will find more information about our investment dynamic in several chapters of this Universal registration document. Getting involved Leisure parks are contributing to the success of regional tourism through their involvement in regional structures, notably tourism boards. By strengthening their accommodation capacity via the hotel development strategy and their attractiveness, the leisure parks are becoming real tourist destinations on a regional and national level. For example, Futuroscope is running initiatives with the Vienne tourist board and other tourism players in the department to promote the Pays du Futuroscope brand. The Ski areas also participate in studies covering the resort (studies of attractiveness, positioning, accommodation or satisfaction regarding the customer experience), tools (such as the implementation of CRM tools, data sharing, the design thinking approach, the creation of digital platforms such as Plagne Resort) and the promotion of resorts (participation in the financing of Tourist Offices and memberships of Atout France or France Montagne, co-financing of accommodation


Compagnie des Alpes I 2021 Universal registration document

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