Compagnie des Alpes // 2021 Universal Registration Document



Use of “green” electricity with guarantees of origin Following on from the approach taken by the Ski areas since 2011, the Group’s French and Dutch Leisure parks (Parc Astérix, Walibi Rhône- Alpes, Musée Grévin Paris and France Miniature) have purchased electricity certified from renewable sources since 2011. This means that our suppliers purchase certificates of guarantee of origin from renewable energy producer. This European system ensures that the electricity grid receives as much electricity from renewable sources as there are certificates sold. Through this system the Group is supporting the energy transition by furthering the demand for renewable energy on the grids. Emissions related to electricity consumption with Market-based and Location-based measurement l With a so-called market-based measurement approach, which takes into account the purchasing approach implemented by the Group, the use of renewable electricity enables Compagnie des Alpes to control its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with 5.48 Kteq. CO 2 . CO 2 emissions avoided, i.e. a reduction of 35% compared to the Group’s total GHG emissions before taking into account guarantees of origin on electricity. l With a so-called location-based measurement approach which only takes into account the emissions of the national electricity mix, and not the Group’s purchasing initiatives, the GHG emissions related to the use of electricity amounted to 7.1 Kteq. CO 2 .

Non-renewable energy: fossil fuels and gases (MWh LHV)

57 %

Renewable energy (mainly electricity) (MWh)

121 MWh

8 % Non-renewable electricity and municipal systems (MWh)


11 % Electricity from non-renewable sources

89 % Electricity guaranteed from renewable sources or produced on site

77 MWh

Emissions related to electricity consumption (teq. CO 2 by country)

Total 1,635 7,114


Belgium Netherlands

Austria Switzerland


1,554 1,584



2 8

Market based Location based




On-site renewable energy production At each of its sites, the Group studies opportunities to contribute to the development of renewable energy production, primarily for self- consumption but also for resale in cases where production does not correspond to our consumption needs. Many projects are under study, and some have already been completed: l specifically, our Serre Chevalier site will be the first ski resort to produce its own electricity from a combination of all three renewable energies. This project, which has now been launched, will produce 4.5 GWh of renewable electricity each year, 80% by hydraulic power, 12% by solar panels and 8% through a high-altitude micro wind turbine. Partially commissioned in 2018, to be in full service in 2021 and 2022, it aims to produce 30% of the subsidiary’s total electricity consumption. Using existing infrastructures to effectively support renewable energies, this €3.6 million investment positions the Serre Chevalier Ski Area as a key energy transition player in the region. Started in 2018/2019, the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of the resort’s facilities (ski lift stations, commercial buildings, etc.) continued in 2019/2020, and a second wind turbine was installed;

l this programme is now a technical and industrial innovations lab. Thus, the stations of the brand new Eychauda chairlift were fitted with flexible solar panels at the manufacturer’s factory; l the solar panel part of this pilot project has been replicated at all CDA Group Ski areas: each new project considers the feasibility at the specifications stage and a retrofit is planned for all facilities which present the most potential. As a result, the Les Arcs and Les Menuires sites have recently followed suit with the installation of photovoltaic panels on buildings and ski lifts; l the new Quai de Lutèce hotel at Parc Astérix is self-sufficient in the production of hot water with solar panels; l Walibi Belgium has installed photovoltaic panels on the roofs of three buildings since 2013, as has the Futuroscope park; l finally, all the Gazex systems at Samoëns and Serre Chevalier, for example, are self-powered by solar panels. A total of 571 kW of renewable energy production capacity is installed on sites, i.e. 472 MWh of renewable electricity produced during the financial year (approximately the electricity consumption of Grévin Paris, Travelfactory Paris offices and CDA in Chambéry over the financial year).


Compagnie des Alpes I 2021 Universal registration document

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