Compagnie des Alpes // 2020 Universal Registration Document



CSR challenges including the key challenges

Labour approach in line with challenges

Key performance indicators

Number of training hours per FTE (management and non-management)* Return rate of seasonal workers Permanent staff turnover rate Percentage of work-study trainees in our FTEs Percentage of women in the workforce, Female Managers, Women on the Operations Committee (COMOP) Percentage of training delivered to women* Number of meetings of the Group Works Council and the European Works Council Number of disabled employees

§2.2. Our employees §2.3.1 Developing employees, diversity within the Group and integration into the employment market § Developing skills § Guaranteeing career security § Promoting integration through training/ work experience § Committing to diversity in the Group and integration into the employment market §2.4.1 Gender equality at work §2.4.3 Labour relations and employee representation

Training plans and CDA Campus corporate university Automatic renewal of seasonal contracts Target to have 5% of work-study trainees in workforce (regardless of local legal requirements) Consideration of Group-wide work integration initiatives Reflection on the dissemination of a practical guide to guarantee gender equality Labour relations with the Group bodies

Frequency rate Severity rate Rate of absenteeism following an OA Absenteeism rate

§2.3.2 Health and safety at work guarantee §2.4.3 Labour relations and employee representation

Decentralised initiatives to adapt the health and safety measures to the business operated by each site

Number of new hires/departures of permanent and non-permanent staff

STAR recruitment policy Automatic renewal of seasonal contracts Professional qualification programmes (POEC, CQP, etc.) Employee satisfaction survey Employee savings schemes (employee profit- sharing agreements, PEG, PERCO G)

§2.2. Our employees §2.3.3 Employee commitment and motivation § Promoting integration § Developing professional qualifications § Improving employee satisfaction §2.4.2 Compensation and benefits systems

Return rate of seasonal workers Permanent staff turnover rate

Number of professional qualifications awarded Average satisfaction score, Survey response rate Average profit-sharing amount per FTE

* Training data reported for calendar years 2019 (covering fiscal year 2019/2020) and 2018 (covering fiscal year 2018/2019). These data exclude the Bellewaerde training courses in 2019.


Compagnie des Alpes I 2020 Universal registration document

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