Compagnie des Alpes // 2020 Universal Registration Document

4 STATEMENT OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The Group’s CSR organisation and challenges

4.1 The Group’s CSR organisation and challenges

This chapter contains the labour, societal and environmental information required by Article R. 225-105-1 of the French Commercial Code, amended by order No. 2017-1180 and implementing decree No. 2017-1265, which transposed the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/95/EU of 22 October 2014 on the publication of non-financial information.

The Statement of Non-Financial Performance endeavours to list the challenges the Group faces, the actions it has taken and the indicators it has decided to use to monitor and control their positive and negative impacts. The Compagnie des Alpes business model is set out in the introductory section of the document.


The CDA Group has a CSR Department devoted to implementing actions to reduce the negative impacts and increase the positive impacts of its activities, products and services. The Director for Communications, Brand and CSR represents this department on the Group Executive Committee. The aim of this new department is therefore to encourage employees to act, to formalise a CSR strategy and to monitor the action plans and objectives relating both to labour challenges (working closely with the Human Resources Department) and to environmental and societal challenges (in collaboration with all Group departments). Our Ski areas manage Public Service Concession contracts with a large number of delegating authorities. Although bids generally contain an environmental section in which the bidder is asked to explain their policy, the Group’s CSR approach is primarily a response to its strategic commitment to minimising its negative externalities and to taking account of society’s expectations.

A first CSR roadmap was presented to the Strategy Committee and then the Board of Directors during the 2018/2019 fiscal year. Since then, it has been clarified as regards the environmental aspect with short and medium-term actions, long-term objectives and associated performance or progress indicators. Guidelines in the Group’s strategic planning procedure set out the progress it expects each Group entity to make on CSR matters in the next five years. To ensure the initiatives are taken into account by employees, and progress is made, for several years now the CSR policy has been put together with the Group’s internal bodies and business segment commissions. These bring together subsidiary executives and business segment managers (Human Resources, Ski Area Operations, Catering, etc.). We aim to pursue our efforts in this respect to ensure our employees are more receptive to the culture and responsibility, and more motivated to work towards our priorities. This prioritisation work was initially built in-house, based on our knowledge of the expectations of our stakeholders. We have, for example, taken account of points raised during strategic overviews which have involved interviewing many stakeholder representatives and we also keep a close eye on press reviews. In addition we have a discussion forumwith an environmental NGO through which we discuss their positions and expectations, both general and in respect to specific projects. In 2020, we extended our listening to stakeholders to include numerous non-profit organisations or representatives of administrative authorities or State agencies with regard to environmental issues, in order to consolidate our priorities in line with their expectations.


CSR risks were identified through these top-down and bottom-up procedures then prioritised in accordance with the Group’s risk map, the main items of which are explained in Chapter 2 . The Statement of Non-Financial Performance therefore highlights key risks and other CSR risks on which the Group wishes to report. Each of the key risks highlighted in the Statement of Non-Financial Performance reflects priority 1 or 2 risks in the Group risk map.


Compagnie des Alpes I 2020 Universal registration document

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