Compagnie des Alpes // 2020 Universal Registration Document

3 REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Compensation of corporate officers

The Appointments and Compensation Committee will assess the achievement of these objectives after the end of the 2020/2021 fiscal year, and on the basis of this review, the Board will decide to allocate all or part of the variable portion to the Deputy CEO. The variable portion allocated for FY 2020/2021 will be liquidated and paid during the following fiscal year, after approval by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting called to vote on the fiscal year ended on 30 September 2021, in accordance with the Article L. 22-10-8 of the French Commercial Code. c) Other items of compensation for the 2020/2021 fiscal year: The Deputy Chief Executive Officer will also benefit from the other components of compensation awarded to the Chief Executive Officer, namely: l the profit-sharing agreement of Compagnie des Alpes,

l the provision of a company vehicle, l the benefit of a defined contribution pension plan, l the benefit of the complementary health and personal protection plans of Compagnie des Alpes, l severance pay, l private unemployment insurance from the Association pour la Garantie Social des Chefs et Dirigiants d’Entreprise – GSC. The conditions applicable to these items of compensation will be identical to those applicable to the Chief Executive Officer. It should be recalled that executive corporate officers do not benefit from performance shares.


Items of compensation


Fixed remuneration

Gross fixed compensation of €250,000

50% of the basic annual salary. The targets for the variable portion of the compensation are liable to change, along with the assessment of their achievement: P from 0 to 25% of the annual fixed compensation according to the following quantitative criteria: P from 0 to 12.5% based on Group EBITDA for the fiscal year, P from 0 to 8.5% based on Group net debt calculated at the end of the fiscal year, P from 0 to 4% based on the free cash flow for the fiscal year; It is specified that the assessment of the quantitative criteria for the year 2020/2021 will be made on the basis of the effective opening date of the Ski areas and Leisure parks. P from 0 to 25% according to qualitative criteria in line with the Group’s strategy and the optimisation of resources The Deputy Chief Executive Officer does not receive any multi-year variable compensation. The Deputy Chief Executive Officer does not receive any exceptional compensation. The Deputy Chief Executive Officer is covered by the Company’s profit-sharing agreement. The Deputy Chief Executive Officer is not a beneficiary of performance share plans. In certain cases, the Deputy CEO will receive a severance package upon leaving the CDA Group. This will be equal to 1 years’ remuneration (last fixed + variable remuneration), subject to the achievement of individual and Group performance criteria that have been verified by the Board. The Deputy Chief Executive Officer is eligible for the supplementary defined-contribution pension plan applicable to the Group’s executive corporate officers and senior executives. The Deputy CEO is covered by the collective health and pension plan in operation at CDA, in the same way and under the same conditions as other employees. Private unemployment insurance from the Association pour la Garantie Sociale des Chefs et Dirigeants d’Entreprise – GSC. This insurance pays a daily indemnity to corporate officers in the event of an involuntary termination of professional activity due to dismissal or non-renewal of term of office. Accordingly, the corporate officer will receive , from the 31st day of the involuntary loss of professional activity and for its duration, daily unemployment benefits for a maximum period of 24 months (after the end of the first year of affiliation). The total amount of compensation paid in the event of involuntary loss of professional activity may in no case exceed 70% of the annual net income of the previous fiscal year, excluding any dividends. The Deputy Chief Executive Officer has a company car. The Chief Executive Officer is not subject to a non-compete clause.

Variable compensation

Multi-year variable compensation

Exceptional compensation Profit-sharing agreement

Stock option or performance share grants

Welcome or severance package

Non-competition indemnity

Complementary retirement plan

Complementary health and pension plan

Benefits of all kinds

Private unemployment

Compensation policy applicable to the non-executive Chairman after separation of duties during FY 2020/2021: TheBoardofDirectors, in linewith itspreviousdecisions, doesnot currently foresee fixed or variable compensation for the non-executive Chairman.

If Dominique Marcel is appointed non-executive Chairman after 1 June 2021, he will only benefit from: l a company car; l the supplementary pension scheme; l supplementary health and pension scheme


Compagnie des Alpes I 2020 Universal registration document

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