Compagnie des Alpes // 2020 Universal Registration Document


Composition of administrative and management bodies

reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. Each site has a gender equality agreement and a gender equality guide will be rolled out over the next fiscal year (see Chapter 4, section “Gender equality”). Other rules and characteristics relating to the Board’s composition and Directors Age limit: at least two-thirds of the Board members must be less than seventy (70) years of age. Ownership of Company shares: the Charter contains a provision on the minimum number of shares to be held by Directors by means of reinvestment of part of the compensation they receive in respect of their office (formerly Directors’ fees). With the exception of Board members who do not personally receive compensation in respect of their role as Directors, and to demonstrate a commitment to the Company, each Director must personally hold at least 300 shares in Compagnie des Alpes. If necessary, the Directors will reinvest part of the compensation linked to their office in the Company, up to a minimum of half of the net amount of said compensation received in respect of a fiscal year, until they reach the aforementioned quota. In the interests of transparency, Directors are also advised to put all of their shares in a registered or administered account, with a minimum of 300 shares.

executive body (the Executive Committee) and in positions of high responsibility. In accordance with the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the Board of Directors applies a diversity policy to its governing body, on the proposal of Executive Management. In this respect, the Executive Committee of Compagnie des Alpes, which assists the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, has seven members, three of whom are women (Delphine Pons, Sandra Picard and Marie Artaud-Dewitte), i.e. 38% women at 30 September 2020, compared with 29% at 30 September 2019 (see section “The Executive Committee”). Executive Management is keen to maintain parity within its governing body and ensures that the composition of the governing bodies of each subsidiary is mixed. The results in terms of diversity within the Executive Committee and Operations Committee (10% of the higher-responsibility positions are within the Operations Committee) are presented in Chapter 4, in section More generally, the Executive Management is committed to promoting increasing diversity and makes numerous efforts to achieve a good gender balance. Under its leadership, the Group’s Human Resources Department thus launched and deployed an active approach to promote gender equality, the results of which are analysed and Expertise of the members of the Board of Directors and other information Directors present on the date of publication of this report


An Inspector General of Finance, Dominique Marcel holds a DEA in economics and is a graduate of Sciences Po. Upon graduating from the ENA in 1983, he was appointed as an administrateur civil (a high-ranking civil servant) at the Treasury Department and served as an advisor within various cabinets. In 1995, he became Deputy Director of Savings, Retirement Provisions and Financial Markets at the Treasury Department. In 1997, he was appointed Chief of Staff for the Minister of Employment and Solidarity, then Deputy Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister in 2000. He joined the Caisse des Dépôts group in November 2003 as Director of Finance and Strategy. While performing this role he took up directorship posts at companies including CNCE, ACCOR, DEXIA and CNP Assurance. He is also Chairman of CDC Infrastructure. Having served as Chairman of the Compagnie des Alpes Supervisory Board and Strategy Committee from 2005, in October 2008 he assumed the role of Chairman of the Management Board, before taking over as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in March 2009. Renewed by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 9 March 2017 (first appointed on 19 March 2009) – End of term of office: 2021

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Chairman of the Strategy Committee Born on 8 October 1955 A French national Number of CDA shares held: 8,919

Other mandates and duties within the Compagnie des Alpes Group: P Chairman of Compagnie des Alpes-Domaines Skiables (CDA-DS); P Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grévin et Compagnie; P Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Société du Parc du Futuroscope; P Director of Travelfactory. Other mandates and duties outside the Compagnie des Alpes Group: P Director of Société du Grand Théâtre des Champs-Élysées (CDC Group); P Director of Eiffage*.

Mandates previously held that have expired during the last five years: P Permanent representative of CDA on the Board of Directors of Compagnie du Mont-Blanc from 24 October 2018 until 13 March 2020; P Permanent representative of CDA on the Board of Directors of Compagnie du Mont-Blanc (CMB) until 15 September 2016; P Chairman of the Board of Directors of CDC Infrastructure (CDC group) until 31 March 2015.

* Listed company.


Compagnie des Alpes I 2020 Universal registration document

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