Compagnie des Alpes // 2020 Universal Registration Document

The Group’s risks and challenges, the main indicators of employment, societal and environmental issues and the reporting methodology are presented in Chapter 4 of the Universal Registration Document.






From the outset, a Group created to foster

Two strong seasons, thousands of employees recruited each year. “I recommend my employer”: 79% Return rate of seasonal workers: 88% in ski areas and 49% in leisure parks More than 6% of work-study trainees in the Group 95,500 hours of training, i.e. 22 hours per FTE 677 professional certifications obtained during the year

Global warming impacts our activities, both in summer and winter, and the quality of life of all. 58% of the Group’s energy consumption and 90% of the electricity consumed by sites are from a renewable source 68% of skier-days in sites which are Green Globe certified or committed to a sustainable approach

Sites which are custodians of a natural heritage , often exceptional, to be respected. Group commitment to the “Act 4 Nature” approach (Companies committed to nature) since 2019 Voluntary creation of observatories of the biodiversity in each ski area since 2007 and a project, “Nature 2050”, of yearly volunteer activities for natural environments since 2017 More than 400 pylons eliminated thanks to the rationalisation of ski areas since 2010 Zero phytosanitary products in the management of green spaces in four leisure parks Participation of the Bellewaerde site in the protection of endangered species (e.g. European bison)

Good knowledge of resources used.

the socio-economic development of the regions.

95.5% of the water used for artificial snow- making comes from surface water 1,200 tonnes of steel reused in the ski areas since 2016 (reconditioning of ski lifts or grooming machines) 132 tonnes of biowaste recovered through methanisation in leisure parks Cleaning products with 100% Eco-labels in Parc Astérix hotels

More than €1 billion in investments since 2014

across all sites 6,200 hot beds

renovated or created in the mountains since 2014 (one renovated bed for one new bed) Creation of three to four indirect jobs (depending on the site) per direct job at a site More than 90% of economic flows to the regions (local suppliers, employees, on-site investments, government and local authorities) At Parc Astérix, 91% of purchases from companies based in France (2019 Utopies study)

with the resort Parc Astérix and Futuroscope ISO 50001 certified Pilot programme in Serre Chevalier with a self-production target of 30% of its energy needs by 2021 New development project at Futuroscope with a zero fossil energy target

IN 2019/2020, MANAGEMENT OF THE HEALTH CRISIS AS A RESPONSIBLE PLAYER VIS-À-VIS ITS STAKEHOLDERS In addition to the priority given to the safety of employees and visitors, the initiatives aimed at reassuring customers, and the consultation of all local and national stakeholders for the development of protocols adapted to the health situation, Compagnie des Dépôts Alpes also paid special attention to: • actions targeting its employees and seasonal staff • relations with suppliers

• the continued implementation of site rehabilitation/adaptation projects • the continued implementation of its philanthropic commitments


Compagnie des Alpes I 2020 Universal registration document

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