Compagnie des Alpes // 2020 Universal Registration Document



Biodiversity protection is therefore a major environmental challenge for the Group. The exceptional natural environment in which we operate is an intangible component of our work tool and also the place where many of our employees and their families live. While waiting for a future performance indicator to measure our overall impact on biodiversity, we have opted for means or results indicators for some of the pressures exerted by the company. Indeed, we did not find an easily measurable overall result indicator adapted to the diversity and impacts of our business lines. In this context, we are closely monitoring the development of the GBS indicator (Global Biodiversity ScoreTM) for which we will be trained in 2021, as part of the B4B+ club ( Entreprises pour une Biodiversité Positive ), of which we are a member. We have therefore begun to organise the data concerning our pressures on biodiversity in the Ski areas, with the aim of calculating the “dynamic” footprint of this activity.

With regard to the catering offer in our Leisure parks, we are aware that the agricultural model can have strong impacts on biodiversity, as well as transport between production, processing, distribution and consumption sites. We have therefore implemented an indicator that measures the share of purchases as a percentage of our purchasing value: l which comply with environmentally friendly practices (organic farming, HVE, Nature & Progrès, Bleu Blanc Cœur, sustainable fishing, etc.) or are under a sign of quality or origin (AOC/AOP, Label Rouge, free range, etc.). This is the “sustainable product” criterion; l which are either processed in France or whose main raw materials are of French origin. This is the “country” criterion. We are in the process of finalising the inventory of supplies in France in 2020, and will duplicate this approach by adapting the criteria in 2021 to our other Leisure parks in Europe.

Action taken to tackle the main challenges

2018/2019 1,085 - total since 2007 including 83 in 2020 Ongoing (not published)

Indicators monitored

Taking account of biodiversity, soil and landscape in operations and design

Cumulative number of fauna and flora audits as part of the Ski Area observatories since their creation (Number)

Catering supplies from more environmentally-friendly sources

Percentage (in purchase value) of purchases based on the “sustainable” criterion Percentage (in value of purchases) of purchases based on the “country” criterion Taking account of biodiversity, soil and landscape in operations and design The scope covered by this chapter is limited to the nine Ski areas and the seven Leisure parks, and excludes museums and service sector sites whose impact on biodiversity is not significant.

Ski area observatories Because they are located in a natural environment, the existence of threatened or protected species is of particular importance to each of the Group’s Ski areas. Following the success of the Flaine Observatory (2007), the Group has developed environmental observatories in each of its Ski areas.










Compagnie des Alpes I 2020 Universal registration document

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