4.2 Consolidated Financial Statements

Short-term investments At December{31, 2017, short-term investments mainly consist of mutual fund units, negotiable debt securities and term bank deposits, paying interest at standard market rates. Cash management assets Cash management assets consist of capitalization contracts with insurance companies which may be cancelled by Capgemini{SE at any time without penalty, as well as marketable securities held by certain Group companies which do not meet all the monetary UCITS classification criteria defined by ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) for money market mutual funds, particularly with regards to the average maturity of the portfolio. These funds may, however, be redeemed at any time without penalty. 2016 Bond issue a) On November{3, 2016, Capgemini{SE placed a €500{million bond issue comprising 5,000{bonds with a unit value of €100,000{each and with a settlement/delivery date of November{9, 2016. The bonds mature on November{9, 2021 and pay an annual coupon of 0.50% (issue price 99.769%). The bond issue is callable before this date by Capgemini{SE, subject to certain conditions set out in the issue prospectus and particularly concerning the minimum redemption price. The bond issue is also subject to standard early redemption, early repayment and pari passu clauses. The terms and conditions of the bond issue were set out in the prospectus approved by the AMF on November{7, 2016 under reference{number{no.{16-518. July{1, 2015{Bond issue b) On June{24, 2015, Capgemini{SE performed a “triple{tranche” bond issue for a total nominal amount of €2,750{million and with a settlement/delivery date of July{1, 2015: 2015 Bond issue (July{2018): X This tranche has a nominal amount of €500{million, comprising 5,000{bonds with a unit value of €100,000{each. The bonds mature on July{2, 2018 and pay a floating coupon of 3{month{Euribor{+85{pb, revised quarterly (issue price 100%); 2015 Bond issue (July{2020): X This tranche has a nominal amount of €1,250{million, comprising 12,500{bonds with a unit value of €100,000{each. The bonds mature on July{1, 2020 and pay an annual coupon Borrowings Bonds A)

The July{2020 and July{2023{tranches are callable by Capgemini{SE, subject to certain conditions set out in the issue prospectus and particularly concerning the minimum redemption price. These three{bond issues are also subject to standard early redemption, early repayment and pari passu clauses. The terms and conditions of these three tranches were set out in the prospectus approved by the AMF on June{29, 2015 under reference{number{no.{15-318. “ORNANE 2013” Bond issue c) On October{18, 2013, Capgemini{SE launched an offering of bonds redeemable in cash and/or in new and/or existing shares ( Obligations à option de Remboursement en Numéraire et/ou en Actions Nouvelles et/ou Existantes , ORNANE), maturing on January{1, 2019. Bondholders enjoyed all rights from October{25, 2013. The total nominal amount of the issue was €400{million, comprising 5,958,587{bonds with a nominal value of €67.13{each, representing an issue premium of 42.5% compared with the Capgemini{SE reference share price over the relevant period. On October{18, 2013, the Company purchased a call option on its own shares aimed at neutralizing the potential dilution related to the ORNANE{2013 bond issue. In addition, and in order to optimize the cost of the Group’s financial resources, the Company sold a call option also on its own shares but with a higher strike price. Together, these two transactions synthetically enhanced the effective dilution threshold of the ORNANEs by approximately 5%. The bonds did not bear any interest (zero{coupon bonds). Capgemini redeemed early all ORNANE{bonds outstanding at November{21, 2016 at par and based on a conversion ratio of{1.00{Capgemini{SE share for one ORNANE{bond. In this context, holders of 5,934,131{ORNANE bonds exercised their share allotment rights resulting in the presentation of €398{million and 640,184{existing shares. On November{21, 2016, Capgemini{SE redeemed all outstanding ORNANE bonds, i.e. 24,456{bonds for a total of €2{million. The conversion option embedded in the ORNANE bonds and the call option on own shares recognized in “Other non-current liabilities” and “Other non-current assets”, respectively, of similar amount, were released without any net impact on the Income Statement. In this context, Capgemini{SE exercised in full the call option on its own shares purchased on October{18, 2013. The call option sold by the Company was also exercised in full. Capgemini{SE received an amount of €14{million on the exercise of these two{calls in{2016. 2011{Bond issue d) The 2011{bond issue of a nominal amount of €500{million bore annual interest of 5.25%. It was redeemed in full on maturity on November{29, 2016.


of 1.75% (issue price 99.853%); 2015 Bond issue (July{2023): X

This tranche has a nominal amount of €1,000{million, comprising 10,000{bonds with a unit value of €100,000{each. The bonds mature on July{1, 2023 and pay an annual coupon of 2.50% (issue price 99.857%).



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