2021 Universal Registration Document


Milestones [NFPS]

Nature and scope of procedures We planned and performed our work taking account of the risk of material misstatement of the Information. We consider that the procedures conducted in exercising our professional judgement enable us to express a limited assurance conclusion: We familiarized ourselves with the activities of all companies in ● the consolidation scope and the description of the principal risks. We assessed the suitability of the Guidelines with respect to their ● relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality and clarity, taking into account, where appropriate, best practices within the sector; We verified that the Statement covers each category of ● information stipulated in section III of Article L. 225-102-1 governing social and environmental affairs, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and tax evasion; We verified that the Statement provides the information ● required under Article R.225-105 II of the French Commercial Code where relevant with respect to the principal risks, and includes, where applicable, an explanation for the absence of the information required under Article L.225-102-1 III, paragraph 2 of the French Commercial Code; We verified that the Statement presents the business model and ● a description of the principal risks associated with the activities of all the consolidated entities, including where relevant and proportionate, the risks associated with their business relationships, their products or services, as well as their policies, measures and the outcomes thereof, including key performance indicators associated to the principal risks; We referred to documentary sources and conducted interviews ● to: assess the process used to identify and confirm the principal • risks as well as the consistency of the outcomes, including the key performance indicators used, with respect to the principal risks and the policies presented; and corroborate the qualitative information (measures and • outcomes) that we considered to be the most important (1) , for certain information, our work was carried out on the consolidating entity, while for other risks, our work was carried out on the consolidating entity and on a selection of entities. We verified that the Statement covers the consolidated scope, i.e. ● all companies within the consolidation scope in accordance with Article L. 233-16, with the limits specified in the Statement. We obtained an understanding of internal control and risk ● management procedures implemented by the Company and assessed the data collection process aimed at ensuring the completeness and fairness of the Information.

As it is our responsibility to issue an independent conclusion on the information prepared by management, we are not authorised to participate in the preparation of the Information, as this could compromise our independence. It is not our responsibility to provide a conclusion on: the Company’s compliance with other applicable legal and ● regulatory provisions (particularly with regard to the information set-out in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Green taxonomy), the duty of vigilance and the fight against corruption and tax evasion); the fairness of information set-out in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) ● 2020/852 (Green taxonomy); the compliance of products and services with the applicable ● regulations. Applicable regulatory provisions and professional guidance We performed the work described below in accordance with Articles A. 225-1 et seq. of the French Commercial Code, the professional guidance issued by the French Institute of Statutory Auditors (Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes) relating to this engagement and acting as the verification programme and with the international standard ISAE 3000 (revised). Independence and quality control Our independence is defined by Article L. 822-11-3 of the French Commercial Code and French Code of Ethics for Statutory Auditors (Code de déontologie) . In addition, we have implemented a system of quality control including documented policies and procedures aimed at ensuring compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, ethical requirements and the professional guidance issued by the French Institute of Statutory Auditors (Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes) relating to this engagement. Means and resources Our work engaged the skills of 5 people between September 2021 and March 2022 and took a total of 20 weeks. To assist us in conducting our work, we referred to our corporate social responsibility and sustainable development experts. We conducted around a dozen of interviews with people responsible for preparing the Statement.

Business conduct and the fight against corruption ; Respect for Human Rights ; Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ; Products designed to meet (1) and anticipate consumers’ expectations.



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