6 SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL INFORMATION Sustainable development built on our cooperative identity

Qualitative oversight In addition to tracking several existing projects from a quantitative standpoint,the group is committedunder its TEC 2020 strategicplan to undertake the projects below by 2020 for which it will need to define objectives and action plans starting in 2018, in conjunction with the federations. The following projectsare on the table: measuring the impact of Groupe BPCE institutions on the ● economic landscape of their regions, while developing accurate teachingtools and programs; sector policies: incorporating ESG criteria into risk policies and ● publishingsector policies ongroup activities; structuringmechanisms dedicated to: ● skills sponsorship, - action planstargeting vulnerablecustomers, - dialog with stakeholders, - ethics, principally by defining behavioral values and standards - and a code of conduct; mobilizing company directors and employees: incorporating CSR ● indicators in the company director dashboard, analyzing opportunities to include CSR criteria in the pay system, and continuing to offer training sessions on CSR and cooperation; group communication and visibilityon CSR: establishingan internal ● and external communicationplan focused on CSR, and extensively

incorporatingCSR in financial communications.CSR data will also continue to be included in the group’s open data (https://bpce.opendatasoft.com/pages/home/). Structure and governance reflecting the group’s cooperative banking model and raising CSR to a high level A separate BPCE function is responsible for overseeing the group’s CSR commitments,in conjunctionwith the Fédérationnationale des Banques Populaires and the Fédération nationale des Caisses d’Epargne, which coordinate CSR policy within their respective network. The Group’s Sustainable Development division reports to the Corporate Secretary’s Office of BPCE’s Commercial Banking and Insurancedivision,a memberof the ManagementBoard. Its goals are to: drive and oversee the group’s CSR policy and support all ● institutionsin implementingthis policy; serve as a source of foresight,expertise,and innovationin order to ● advance sustainable growth; coordinatethe implementationof special regulationsand propose ● adaptations ingovernance. To this end, it is divided into four functions:

Sustainable development watch, coordination and communication

Green, responsible growth

Responsible business

Forward-looking csr

Definitionof the green growth strategy (processes, benchmark, action plan) Developmentof expertise designed to serve thenetworks,development of solidarity-based savings and finance Contributionto inclusivefinance mechanisms

Organization and oversight of the projects undertakenby thedivision and function meetings Regulatory, economicand technical watch Communication and organization of SustainableDevelopment function events

Coordination of CSR reportingand the carbon review ofthe group/institutions Oversight and monitoringof the group CSR approach Dialogwith ESG rating agenciesand investors

Developmentof the forward-looking expertise-research approach to issues dealing withgreen economics and CSR, particularly in the economic and technological fields

To take action, the SustainableDevelopmentdivision relies on a CSR function whose responsibilities are divided between the Group’s central institution, regional banks and subsidiaries (particularly Natixis). Each company in the Group has an appointed CSR officer tasked with adapting the Group’s commitments to the specific features of the company’s region, operations and objectives. The CSR function has the following structures: bodies that exchange information and coordinate and share skills: ● a twice-yearlynational responsiblebusinessmeeting attendedby - all of the Group’s sustainabledevelopmentofficers. The meeting

focuseson improvingCSR reportingand designingaction plans to enhance internalCSR and low-carbon practices, a green, responsible growth meeting aimed at centralizing - technical and sales expertise around the new economic models presented by sustainable development. Since 2014 a plenary meeting has been held during National SustainableDevelopment Week, attracting an average of 125 participants; steering and oversight bodies: ●



Validates selectedCSR projects,rules on major strategicCSR guidelines. The Committeemet twice in 2017. Arbitrates, drivesand coordinates implementation of the CSR strategic plan. Ensures thatproposed projectswill helpthe Group achieve its goalof making CSR akey differentiation,performanceand profitability factor.

Groupe BPCESupervisory BoardCooperativeand CSR Committee

CSR StrategicPlan MonitoringCommittee

StrategicPlan SteeringCommittee

Proposes,discusses, supports and oversees projects.

CSR Function (network ofCSR managers and their businessline counterparts)

Rolls out initiatives basedon their specificprioritiesand involvesall group employeesin the field.


Registration document 2017

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