2 REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Management and Supervisory Bodies

Pierre VALENTIN Born 2/6/1953

Mr. Valentin has a degreein privatelawanda postgraduatedegreefromthe Institutdes Assurancesd’Aix-Marseille. He is an entrepreneurandbegan his careerat Mutuelled’Assurances du Bâtimentet desTravauxPublicsin Lyonin 1978.In 1979,he set up SociétéValentinImmobilier.PierreValentin quicklyformeda long-standing commitmento theCaissed’Epargnenetwork.In 1984,he becamea consultingadvisorto Caissed’Epargned’Alès.In 1991,he servedas a consultingadvisorto Caissed’EpargneLanguedoc-Roussillon. He wasappointedChairmanof localsavingscompanyValléedes Gardonsin 2000. He has been a memberof the Steeringand SupervisoryBoardof Caissed’EpargneLanguedoc-Roussillon since 2000 and was Chairmanof the Audit Committeefrom 2003 to 2006. In 2006, he becameChairmanof the Steeringand SupervisoryBoardof Caissed’Epargne Languedoc-Roussillon and wasre-elected to thepositionin 2009and2015. Since2008,PierreValentinhas beenon the Boardof Directorsof FNCEandhas activelyparticipated in the Group’sgovernance.He alsoservedas a director, Chairmanof the Audit Committeeand Vice-Chairmanof the SupervisoryBoardof BanquePalatinebetween2008 and 2013 and then as director of listed company Natixis from 2013to 2015. PierreValentin,a memberof theBPCESupervisoryBoardsince2009anda memberof theAuditandRiskCommittee from2013to 2015,waselected Chairmanof the BPCESupervisoryBoardfromMay 22,2015to May 19,2017.He was appointedas a memberof the AuditCommitteeon June 21, 2017. Offices heldat December 31,2017 Member of the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee (since June 21, 2017) of BPCE Chairman of the Steering and Supervisory Board of Caisse d’Epargne Languedoc-Roussillon (CELR) Chairman of the Board of Directors: SLEValléedesGardons Director: CE Holding Participations (formerly CE Holding Promotion), FNCE,AssociationMaison de Santé Protestante d’Alès ** Legal Manager: SCI Les Trois Cyprès** Terms ofoffice expiredin 2017 Chairman of the Supervisory Board (untilMay 19, 2017) and Member of the Cooperative and CSR Committee of BPCE (until June 21, 2017) Offices heldat December 31 in previous years 2016 Chairman of the Supervisory

2015 Chairman of theSupervisory Board andMemberof the

2014 Member of the Supervisory Board and Audit and Risk Committee of BPCE Chairman of the Steering and Supervisory Board of Caisse d’Epargne Languedoc-Roussillon (CELR) Chairman of the Board of Directors: SLEValléedes Gardons Director: CE Holding Promotion, FNCE,Natixis, Association Maison de Santé Protestante d’Alès** LegalManager: SCILes Trois Cyprès**,SCILesAmandiers**

2013 Member of the Supervisory Board and Audit and Risk Committee of BPCE Chairman of the Steering and Supervisory Board of Caisse d’Epargne Languedoc-Roussillon (CELR) Chairman of the Board of Directors: SLEValléedes Gardons Director: CE Holding Promotion, AssociationMaisonde Santé Protestante d’Alès**, Pierreet Lise Immobilier**, FNCE, Natixis* Legal Manager: SCI Les Trois Cyprès**, SCI Les Amandiers**

Board andMemberof the Cooperative and CSR Committee of BPCE

Cooperative and CSR Committee of BPCE

Chairman of the Steering and Supervisory Board of Caisse d’Epargne Languedoc-Roussillon (CELR) Chairman of the Board of Directors: SLEValléedes Gardons Director: CE Holding Participations (formerly CE Holding Promotion), FNCE, Association Maison de Santé Protestante d’Alès** Legal Manager: SCI Les Trois Cyprès**

Chairman of the Steering and Supervisory Board of Caisse d’Epargne Languedoc-Roussillon (CELR) Chairman of the Board of Directors: SLEValléedes Gardons Director: CE Holding Promotion, FNCE,AssociationMaison de Santé Protestante d’Alès** Legal Manager: SCI Les Trois Cyprès**

* Listed company. ** Non-group company.

SLE: Société locale d’épargne (local savings company). FNCE: Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne. FNBP: Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires.


Registration document 2017

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