INCOME BEFORE TAX At € 1.4 billion, Groupe BPCE’s cost of risk decreased 2.7% compared to 2016. Divided by customer loan outstandings,Groupe BPCE’s cost of risk in basis points (1)(2) hit a low of 20 bp on average over the year versus 22 bp in 2016. Non-performingloans accounted for 3.3% of gross loan outstandingsat December 31, 2017, representinga slight year-on-year decline. The coverage rate for non-performing loans, includingcollateralon impairedloan outstandings,came to 82.0% at December31, 2017 versus 83.5% at December31, 2016. Cost of risk fell sharply (-9.4%) for the Retail Banking and Insurance division.For the Banque Populaireand Caisse d’Epargnenetworks,the decline in cost of risk confirmed the downtrend in individual provisions with the improvement in the French economic environment. For Corporate & Investment Banking, cost of risk was down substantially compared to 2016, which included an effort to build provisions on the Oil & Gas sector, and came to 20 basis points (2) ( versus 34 bp in 2016 and 36 bp in 2015). The share in incomeof associatesclimbed € 17 million,thanks in large part to the improvement in CNP’s earnings (+ € 14 million). “Gains and losses on other assets” shed € 115 million. In 2017, this line mainly includedthe capital gain of € 84 million on the sale of the Parc Avenue building, sales of entities by Natixis for € 32 million and the liquidation of Nexgen Financial Holding for € 18 million. These million in 2017, reflecting goodwill impairment on Banque Palatine (- € 53 million), Banque de Savoie (- € 17 million) and Banque de Tahiti (- € 14 million). NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE PARENT Groupe BPCE’s income tax totaled € 1,811 million, down 3.8% compared to 2016. Net income attributableto equity holders of the parent amountedto € 3.0 billion, down 24.2% year-on-year.Restated for the basis effect created by the sale of Visa Europe shares in 2016, it fell 5.2%, in line with the drop in Retail Banking and Insurance revenues, adversely affected by low interest rates despite robust sales activity. 2017 was another year of strong developmentfor the Insurance and Payments business lines, consolidatingtheir position as key growth drivers for the Retail Banking and Insurance division. Asset Management and Corporate &Investment Banking also performed very well in2017. capital gainswere offset by provisionson securities. The change in the value of goodwill was - € 85

Groupe BPCE furthered its transformation in 2017, once again delivering robust earnings rooted in its full-service banking model, despite the persistently challenging environment over the y ar. At 4.8%,Group ROE wasdown 2.1 points versus 2016. SOLVENCY Groupe BPCE’s CET1 ratio (3) continuedto improve in 2017, ending the year at 15.4% versus 14.2%at December 31, 2016, a gain of 120 bp. The increase in the CET1 ratio reflected the ongoing generation of Common Equity Tier 1, largely owing to income placed in reserve (+67 bp since December 31, 2016) and cooperative share issues (+38 bp since December31, 2016). At 15.3%, Groupe BPCE’s phased-inCET1 ratio at December 31, 2017 was significantly higher than the ECB’s minimum requirement, as defined during the 2017 Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP). The CET1 ratio requirementset by the ECB, including the P2R component, was 8.63% as of January 1, 2018. Added to this is the regulatory AT1 requirement of 1.38%, met by CET1, giving a CET1 requirement of 10.01%. Groupe BPCE exceeded this requirement by 529 bp. The phased-in Total Capital Ratio of 19.2% at December 31, 2017 was 707 bp above the ECB requirement(12.13%), i.e. 529 bp for CET1 and 178bp for Tier 2. TLAC (total loss absorption capacity) (4) totaled € 80.2 billion at end-December 2017. The TLAC ratio (5) , 19.3% at December 31, 2016, increasedto an estimated20.8%at December 31, 2017, with a target of 21.5% for early 2019, in line with the TEC2020 strategic plan. The leverageratio (6) stood at 5.1% at December 31, 2017 versus 4.9% at December31, 2016 (pro forma). LIQUIDITY Groupe BPCE’s total liquidity reserves amounted to € 214 billion at December 31, 2017, including € 73 billion in available assets eligible for central bank funding, € 58 billion in LCR-eligible assets and € 83 billion inliquid assets placed with central banks. Short-term funding fell from € 119 billion at December 31, 2016 to € 101 billion at December 31, 2017, stemming from the decrease in liquidity reserves. At December 31, 2017, Groupe BPCE’s total liquidity reserves covered 174% of all short-term funding as well as short-termmaturities of MLT debt( versus 158% at end-2016). The Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) was once again above 110% at December31, 2017.


Cost of risk in annualized basis points on gross customer loan outstandings at the start of the period. (1) Basis points (1 basis point = 0.01%). (2) CRR/CRD IV without phase-in measures; additional Tier 1 capital includesf subordinated debt issues that have become ineligible, capped at the phase-out rate in force. (3) Within the meaning of the Financial Stability Board term sheet of 11/9/2015 on Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity. (4) Including the senior non-preferred debt (€1.6 billion) issues in January 2017 (5) Under the rules of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/62 of October 10, 2014. (6)


Registration document 2017

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