BPCE - 2020 Universal Registration Document



Topics covered by the ESG risk analysis in the non-financial performance report under the title “diversity among employees,” “employability and transformation of jobs,” and “working conditions.”


Mitigating measures

Monitoring indicator

Preventing discrimination and promoting equal opportunities for men and women

See Chapter 2.4.3, “Ensuring equality – developing gender equality, promoting diversity”

Percentage of women among executives: 42.9% (in 2018), 43.7% (in 2019), and 44.5% in 2020, Target: 45% Percentage of women among company directors: 26.1% (in 2018) 26.4% (in 2019), and 27.9% in 2020, Target: 30% N/A for 2020. The rate will be known in June 2021 at the time of the first declaration via the DSN. Number of Group committees in 2020: 2 Number of Strategic Committee Meetings in 2020: 1 No specific indicators at present

Promoting equal opportunities

See Chapter 2.4.3, “Equal opportunities”

Preventing discrimination against persons with disabilities Facilitating social dialog and the freedom of association

See Chapter 2.4.3, “Ensuring equality – a commitment to persons with disabilities” See Chapter 2.4.3, “Dialog with employee representatives at the Groupe BPCE level and review of collective bargaining agreements” See Chapter 2.4.3, “Improving quality of life in the workplace” See Chapter 2.4.3, “Occupational health and safety conditions and workplace accidents”

Non-compliance with legal working conditions

No specific indicators at present

Health and safety in the workplace

Numbers of work/commuting accidents: 1,144 in 2019 and 710 in 2020

As a responsible company, Groupe BPCE ensures it applies compliance approach implemented by Financial Security and ethical business practices by fostering a compliance culture Compliance, covering anti-money laundering, anti-fraud and among all members of staff through the Groupe BPCE code of anti-corruption systems. conduct and ethics. This is rounded out by a responsible

Topics covered by the ESG risk analysis in the non-financial performance report under the title “Business ethics.”


Mitigating measures

Monitoring indicator

Business ethics

See Chapter 2.4.2, “Prevention of money laundering and fraud”

% of employees trained in the code of conduct and ethics. At end-Dec. 2020, 92.7% of employees registered by their entities were trained in the code of conduct and ethics

FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Regarding the risks relating to discrimination against customers arising with the distribution of financial products and services, the topics identified are presented in the table below along with the mitigating measures applied by Groupe BPCE.

Topics covered by the ESG risk analysis in the non-financial performance report under the title “Financial inclusion,” “financing the regions” and more generally, via the risk relating to the “sustainable customer relationship” and “customer protection.” Risks regarding customers’ right to privacy, data protection and cybersecurity were also identified. These risks are covered in the non-financial performance report under “Data security”.


Mitigating measures

Monitoring indicator

Preventing discrimination and promoting equal opportunities for men and women

See Chapter 2.4.1, “Promoting banking accessibility” Women accounted for 48% of entrepreneurs supported with a professional microloan by the Banques Populaires and the Caisses d’Epargne ( via our partner France Active)

Promoting equal opportunities for visible minorities

See Chapter 2.3.2, “Supporting our customers in the energy, ecological and social transition” and Chapter 2.2.1, “Our commitments”

It is not possible to report on visible minorities because this would involve the application of criteria requiring the production of sensitive data under the terms of the GDPR Percentage of new community projects with ISS and Privacy support: 85%

Data security and confidentiality

See Chapter 2.4.2, “Information systems security and data protection”

More generally, as part of its business as a banker, Groupe BPCE is subject to a series of regulations (anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, embargoes, etc.) which form an integral part of its activity. Over and above these requirements, ESG criteria are gradually being incorporated into the Group’s risk policies to take into account the impact of the activities it finances. A section on climate risk and strengtheningCSR principles was added to the Group’s credit risk policy in 2018. A paragraph on the

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk assessment and ratings (high, moderate, or low risk) has also been added to supplement sector policies (agri-food, automotive, construction and public works, communications and media, transport sectors, etc.). The non-financial performance report addresses this risk under “ESG criteria” (see Chapter 2.3.1, “Integrating the fight against climate change and the protection of

biodiversity in our development strategy”.).




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